Monday 4 October 2021

Great Service At Falmouth Hospital - Says Karlene In A Letter To Me

I trust that you are doing well and continue your brilliant contribution to Jamaica.  I just want to highlight the Falmouth Field hospital and the exceptional hard work provided by the medical, ancillary staff, a matter of fact everyone involved in the treatment of covid-19 patients there.  

My Aunt was admitted there with the virus and she has high praises for the medical staff.  I myself, want to thank them for their professionalism.  I called on the phone and you know they cannot give out certain information over the phone, but what was shared with me, was enough to console the family.  I happened to visit, in order to speak to her doctor and I was pleased with what I saw.  What I  heard before I went was totally different from what I witnessed.  My relative lives in Montego Bay, a returning resident, so I was the closest relative to her in Jamaica (She was first taken to Hospiten Hospital and after doing her Covid test, the rapid test was negative and the PCR confirmed.  Mr. Derby, after a few hours there, because they don't accept Covid patient, she was transferred to the Falmouth Field hospital, her medical bill at Hospiten was $96,449.70). When I got there I identified myself and the doctor when available called me in the reception area and he went through my Aunt's file and told me what was her status etc and luckily I went, because she wanted a certain medication that the hospital did not have.  Also another patient wanted the same medication and his relative was there also and could get it for him.  The doctor asked if I could get it for her and I told him yes and I set out to get it. (I don't know Falmouth and almost got my car towed.  I was sitting in the car, and asked a friend to check at a pharmacy for the medication.  Some how we were not sure we would get it, because I guess the looks of the place, so when they came to tell me that the medication was there,(" Never judged a book by its cover") I was so happy, I came out the car so fast, forgot that I was not parked properly.  After getting the medication and was coming out the pharmacy, my friend called to say my car was been towed.  I ran out and I begged the wrecker-man and explained to him.  I told him I was from Kingston and was so glad when I realized the pharmacy got the medication. He asked me if that's how we park a town, I said no sir, but another car and a bike were parked there, so that the reasons why I was not parked properly and remained in the car.  Give God thanks he release the car. After that all three of us in the car had a good laugh.

My aunt was discharged last Wednesday and is doing well.  she has testimonies just seeing persons making their transitions around her.  She was off the oxygen from last Sunday and between Monday and Tuesday four (4) died around her.  One to her right and the other in front of her. Those two kept playing in her mind and since she was off the oxygen, I think she had more time to concentrate on what was happening.  She said the medical team have done their best and she is giving them high praises, to God be the glory she was released last Wednesday.

I would encourage persons who have loved ones at these institutions, I know its fearful to go there, but if they can try and go and speak with the doctor, because in my Aunt case, luckily I went because she had Covid pneumonia and needed the medication.  My thinking, is that there is a possibility that patients might need medications which the hospitals don't have and just by liaising with the hospital could save someone's life.  May God continue to blessing and protect all Frontline workers.  I lift my hats off to them.

Good Bless


1 comment:

Unknown said...

As chairman of the Hospital board of management meeting at Falmouth I am really proud of the staff at the Falmouth hospital .I hope that they continue to do what they do best and that is to continue to provide excellent service to the people of Jamaica.
Kenneth Grant
Chairman of the Falmouth hospital board of management.

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