Monday 25 October 2021

Holy Beginnings Then Bizarre Practices And A Destructive End

Kevin Smith
Shocking news coming in is that His Excellency Kevin Smith the head of the  Pathways International Restoration Ministries was involved in a deadly road accident this morning, while being taken from Montego Bay to Kingston. Media houses are confirming that Kevin Smith is dead and a police officer is also dead. 

The next step is for the state to deal with the investigation of this accident/incident carefully. The security force must put out clear and forthright information about this matter. I have said, "Perception is real and reality is not real unless perceived". Many questions will be asked and if this matter is not dealt with in an open manner, this will lead to a further deterioration in the confidence that the people have in the system.

Investigation must be thorough so that the population does not believe this accident was a set up. All police officers including the drivers should be tested on site to ascertain if they have ingested any substance that could have impaired their judgement. Was Kevin Smith travelling in a secure police vehicle? We must check to see if the vehicles had any defects and/or it was tampered with.

I have been following the discussions on line and many persons were skeptical about Kevin Smith being convicted of a crime. Persons felt that he has secrets for a number of high profile persons and he would be better off dead than alive. Persons feel that he has genetical, political, financial and religious connections which allows him to wheel significant power in Jamaica.

Tongues are already wagging. Interesting days are ahead. What started out as a religious practice, escalated into a criminal matter and ended up tragically, is showing political and other links. Mark my word, what might seem like a simple matter could escalate into a major scandal. Probably there is no basis for it, but all of this is shaping up to be a creature output of the people's creative imaginations.

My concern is why is Mr. Smith was being taken in that type of vehicle? Is that vehicle secure enough to carry this man who I would regard as a high risk detainee? One thing I say is that this man is now dead and dead man tells no tale. Some persons might have a good sleep tonight. Jamaica, what a country, what a life!!!

The following are some pictures that I have received but I cannot verify whether these pictures are genuine pictures of the scene.

Car involved in the accident.

Kevin Smith being taken from the vehicle.

Please share this post and continue to follow this story. It no dun yet!!!
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  1. Why that route and the low security vehicle?

  2. What an end. Terrible accident

  3. God is a power God. This man was demonic

  4. So many unanswered questions so lessons to learn.

  5. What is the real truth ?about this crash something not right

  6. Why is he called His Excellency? This title is for our Governor General!!! And how the Council of Churches is not inspecting these questionable centres of oppressive cults frequently???? And why did the public take soo long to revolt against these practices...only when people get sacrificed then the nation wakes up!!????

  7. From this building man's utterances it could be clearly seen that that man was dangerous. A scammer,a murderer,extortioner and more. Wicked.

  8. Typographical errors in my comments above. I meant to say from Kevin Smith's utterances and actions, it was clear that he was a scammer,murderer and more. Wicked man dat.

  9. Why they cut the video, I dont think he died. I think it's an escape route for him to flee. Smh! Kmt!

  10. Bark di Trute
    Is the alleged death of Kevin Smith a contrived fiasco and his "Excellency"has in fact escaped or set free?.The body is perhaps not his "Excellency".If the body is his was he killed using some untraceable substance like Ricin and the accident was contrived to cover tracks,DNA match is a must.A policeman dying is a tragedy but I guess collateral damage,
    condolences to his family,friends and colleagues,Jamaica has lost again.Some
    ones in any case must be brought to book for such a fiasco.Why couldn't he be questioned in the local jurisdiction of any alleged crimes committed.Another episode in the Jamflix series.Was the nations "political leadership" aware of those alleged happenings.Many local and worldwide are scratching heads , brains ticking and tickling.
    Wow!What's next in the JamFlix series?

  11. Well well 🤔🤔 All i can say only the good salvation lost forever 😳😳🙌🙏 too many of ours young men get mess up in there demons ack. scamming and all that, listening to this service that this man do him nuh ready a tall 😳 this couldn't happen a my church no sah 🙏🙏

  12. Free Passage For Police Vehicles on Toll Roads Now?

    Mr Derby this is an Emergency.
    My understanding is that under the Toll Road Act emergency vehicles are allowed free access.If a Clearly marked/designated police vehicle shows up, it should be free passage.This is now not the case and if this is correct,for the deaths that occurred the blame should be put squarely in the domain of the Police, The Toll Road Authority,Ministry of National Security and Justice.The Government is therefore responsible for creating this reckless and careless fiasco.While driver error must also be a factor on what is one of the safer pieces of road in St Catherine on which prior deaths have occured the bigger picture must not elude us.Many of us used the road on the same day after the after the deathly accident are still wondering what could have happened.It is true that even clearly marked police vehicles have to pay toll fees and these anamolies must be corrected immediately.All police vehicles clearly marked must be allowed free passage and or be fitted with the electronic tag that allows such vehicles free unhindered passage.Can you imagine Criminals can have unhindered passage on the toll roads when the police cannot in a clearly marked police vehicle on the job has to stop to pay while a even a criminal being persued pay and gone ahead.This is an emergency security matter that must be dealt with immediately.Free Passage for Police Vehicles in persuance of their national security/Justice Duties is essential. Police must have Free Passage on all Roads in Jamaica,Toll Roads included.


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