Thursday 28 October 2021

What's Happening, October 28, 2021

Today He Shall Rise Again!!!

Many Jamaicans have waited with bated breath for today, October 28, 2021. Today is the third day since His Excellency, Rev. Dr. Kevin Smith, the head of the Pathways International Restoration Church Ministries in Montego Bay was killed in an accident while being taken to Kingston. This is Jamaica and what do you expect? We take serious things and make joke about it. Persons are saying that Kevin Smith who had claimed that he is God will raise on the third day which is today. Many will be looking for the sign. His followers probably expect him to ascend to heaven while his haters expect him to descend to hell.

Some skeptical Jamaicans feel it was a plot for Smith to get away and now that he is dead, he has gone down with many dark secrets. I said in a post that if the communication about this matter was not handled properly, then we should expect a lot of speculations. Social media has been inundated with speculations and of course the traditional media will find all of this very sensational. Sensational news will skyrocket sales!

More Reading:
Last Words We Heard From Kevin.

Citizens Made Many Complaints And No Action

The following email was sent by a citizen complaining about a challenge at the Middle Quarters Primary School in St. Elizabeth. This is an example of someone once again appealing to the authorities in writing to deal with a matter, yet no attention is given. The person has now written to the Ministry of Education, the Prime Minister of Jamaica and myself.
The Email:
The gate is left wide open and a  "GANG" OF BOYS come every day including SUNDAY MORNINGS AND SUNDAY EVENINGS.
This gang is there even during lockdowns and curfews and the Police is unable to deal with them as they are being warned when the Police are coming.
Many of these gang members have family and friends in the Police force. 
They continue to:
  • Trespass on my premises
  • Steal coconuts, ackees etc and destroy seedlings, trees from Forestry Department
  • Tear down fences
  • Break into unrented premises on property
  • Defaecate on my property
  • Throw stones on my house, and unrented premises
  • Shout, Scream sometimes using sound system

Editors Note: I have edited parts of the email where the complainant made some accusations which I cannot substantiate.

Signs Of Trouble In Spalding, Clarendon!!!

The following was sent by an reader: 

There is a house in Spalding, where at least 4 young boys who are known to be involved in scamming live. The youngest is 18 years old because his father not putting up with it. They each have a Mark X.  People are wondering why they are  living in plain view of the police and nothing is happening. Spalding has had scammers for sometime but they seem to have increased and barefaced. Please get someone look into it. 
We would like for them to catch the real master mind because these youths who are beneficiaries.

Funds Being Transferred To Wrong  Bank Accounts

Persons are having challenges getting back funds transferred to the wrong bank accounts. I am calling on the banks to address this matter and to state how customers can protect themselves from this happening. The banks should say what measures will be put in place to deal with this major challenge. We know that the banks are encouraging persons to do their transactions online but they all need to make it easier and less error prone for their customers.
I suggest the following:
  1. Funds transferred should be transferred in pending mode until the sender confirms that it went to the correct account.
  2. Ensure that account numbers are entered with a check digit which would prevent the wrong number being entered.
  3. Not only should the bank's account number should match but also the TRN or the name in order for the transfer to be confirmed.
  4. Banks should use the media to educate its customers on how to minimize making errors when transferring funds to someones account.

North Street Seventh Day Adventist Church Guest Day

Click on the image below to join the Seventh Day Adventist Church Guest Day on October 30. at 0915 EST.

Share this post with as many persons as possible and you will be helping me to help others


  1. Regarding Kevin Smith the self proclaimed pastor,I hope people in all religions will start to scrutinize the religion they are attached to see if their leaders are self proclaimed and hope they will also look into it's teachings and practices as well. There are some religions with their headquarters in the US that with self proclaimed leaders. They interpret the Bible in their own way which even break up families and friendships of their own members, which send them into depression etc., and many other serious issues.

  2. This religion that is based in the US that I mentioned above is a very popular religion and has members ALL OVER the WORLD including JAMAICA

  3. Other organizations can function like a cult. I have seen a dance group function like a cult. This group did very well actually.

  4. What a time we are living in.

  5. Dr. Smith's lawyer would have easily helped him to be found NOT guilty on the grounds of insanity. While some persons are insane and mild-mannered, this man was insane and cruel.

    How do we manage insanity in the society BEFORE we end up with murder and mayhem?


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