Monday 29 November 2021

Bark Di Trute Now On YouTube!

It is amazing to see the amount of good that Covid-19 has done for this country although on a sad note many have lost their lives and have suffered a lot due to Covid-19. I understand also that there has been an increase in the abuse of children.

On the other hand, some good things have happened since Covid-19:

  • Greater use is being made of online meeting portals. This must have reduced travelling expenses especially in the public sector.
  • Shopping Centers, hospitals, supermarkets and other places have stopped giving you a bit of plastic when you park your car in their car parks. If you lose that card you had to pay a few hundred dollars.
  • Many persons have been able to work from home and mothers especially have benefitted from this.
  • Families now spend more time together.
  • Parents have been able to see how their children have been taught or have not been taught in school..
  • Government now communicates more often with the people.
  • Online shopping seems to have increased significantly.
  • More businesses are now doing home deliveries.
  • We had a political party conference last weekend, which was done in a modern way.
What really stands out for me since Covid-19 is the fact that we had a political conference on Sunday, November 28, 2021 in a format and style never before seen in Jamaica. We have become familiar with seeing  bus loads of persons coming in from all over the country and converging on the National Arena. The main aim of these conferences is to show how the parties attracted massive crowds to the arena. It was just a horrible site to see buses and cars driving dangerously on our streets with persons hanging out of motor vehicle windows and also seated on top of the buses. 

I decided to post my first Bark Di Trute video in this blog which gives some highlights of this interesting conference.. Click on the picture below to view the video.

More Readings

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  1. Agree, in a sense covid has force us to become modernize,somthing that would probably talk another centry to reach especially our rural communities.

    1. I agree, the chinese say that the flip side of crisis is opportunity.
      I just listened to the custom program that break into your show.
      I believe they would increase the personal allowance of $500 which was in force when the dollar was one for one. Less ppl would try to beat the system.ppl are busy finding their way arround it at the ecpenses of custom.

  2. I note that our government & opposition have been silent regarding Barbados' progressive step to be a Republic. Jamaica is now at a backward & low point.
    No vision for our people.

  3. so true vernon..about the positives of cobid tho inwishbthevdamnnthingbwould leave us alone and we take the modernisation of our world on ourselves without its help.

  4. The only constant in life is change.


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