Sunday 7 November 2021

Step Up the Heat on Criminals!!!

Shooting In Ackee Walk In Kingston Again

Crime Scene at Ackee Walk
in Kingston
At minutes past four this afternoon, November 6, 2021, the silence was shattered with the sounds of a barrage of gun shots being fired in rapid succession. Yes I knew that another life was lost and the eerie silence which followed was just as blood curdling. It's another crime scene in Kingston, Jamaica. 

The last time a similar incident occurred and I rushed to the crime scene, the deputy Principal of Excelsior was gunned down while she cared for her plants, in full few of her son. The crime scene was at the corner of Fairdene Avenue and Molynes Road in Kingston. Persons dashed from all corners to find out who had bitten the dust again - who was made a duppy! The community of Ackee Walk was the scene of another crime. Gun shots...death...this is the life that our children are growing up in and they were there observing everything.

When I arrived at the scene, women were screaming and men openly cried because another community member seemed to have lost his life.  I saw the injured/dead man lying on the ground motionlessly, while there were commotion and confusion all around. Everyone was yelling out as to what should be done. Eventually someone turned the man over in the recovery position. He was bleeding profusely. Someone yelled, "Check his pulse, check his pulse". One lady attempted to do so and as she attempted to do so the injured man gasped for air. I said to myself that, that was his last breath. This is the first time that I am seeing a man die - die like a mongrel dog on the street. What a country - what a life!

The people were now attempting to lift the injured/dead man to take him in a car to the hospital. I begged them to be careful how they lifted him because they could cause further injury. In that confusion no one was listening to any voice of reason. Many persons were trying to lift him up, and then someone lost hold of the man and his head then hit the asphalt with a loud thud. I said to myself that there is no doubt that he is dead now!

The police officers arrived quickly on the scene. I stood on the other side of the road and was about to take a picture when a police yelled at me, "Yu can't teck no picture". That seems to be a new police law to me.

I left the area feeling sad for all of us. We cannot depend on the police force alone to deal with the crime taking place in this country. The police were very quick on the scene but those criminals would be miles away by the time they arrived. We need to organize citizens in various areas to become members of a Community Security Force. Train them to deal with security, first aid, disaster management and other things so that they can assist their communities. They should also be armed. As a society, decent citizens should have the right to arm and to protect themselves from these terrorists. The nation must act now and we must tell our leaders that we have had enough. It's time for ACTION!

Killing In Albert Town, Trelawny & Scammers in Spalding Clarendon?

I just got a report that there was another killing in Albert Town on Friday, November 5, 2021. Report coming to me is the killing is connected to the scamming taking place in the community. I also understand that the scamming is taking root in Spalding in Clarendon. I get reports of youngsters driving these fancy cars which they probably could not afford with a normal job. It is strange how these guys just seem to get away. A resident contends that some of these scammers are getting support from the police! There is Covid-19, but crime continues to be the leading killer and we are unable to even dent the problem.

Mr. Prime Minister, it is time to call the nation together as one powerful force to deal with the high level of crime. We have had enough. Please add your comments to this blog and state what action that you think the government should take to deal with this scourge.

Shooting In Albert Town, Trelawny

Good people must Unite

For the Good of this Country.

When Good people fail to Act

Then the Good people become a part of the Evil.


Click HERE and  join those of us who are uniting for good and are joining a good cause. Join and get you electronic copies of 'Bark The Trute'.


  1. I asking myself what the prime minister and the minister of national security are waiting on to tough measures to take control of these criminals ,I often suggested that the intelligence gathering system needs to be improved,I heard you asked for a reserve police force which falls on deaf ears,several retired police men and women are available who would be an asset to the,which would cost the government a little money for recreation and traveling

  2. O my Lord I am tried. Same as how the Government go out there and try to get people to take the vaccine I think he should take a stand to deal more with those criminal.Its getting out of hand .We are not at war but it seems like that and these are young people.They have to come up with a plan it's out of hand and is everywhere in the country now .I don't hear anything from the the Minister of Security saying much .The police alone cannot do.The hearts of the people get so wicked .Some change have make.Sorry for those family that are grieving who lost innocent love one

  3. The government a lone can not do this people in the community have to come together and talk up because most of these killings they know who doing it but and they not saying a word

    1. This is an assumption that most of the killings the community knows the killers. This shooting was a drive by shooting. The gentleman who was killed is not known to be involved in anything that could result in his death. He was just a customer who went to a business place.

    2. Those who read this blog, I would like to know how many have shared these posts? How many have join the group to give even moral support for action to be taken. After setting up this group for people to join and assist in the fight only about five persons have done so. Only 17 persons are following this blog. If I was in government I would come to the conclusion that, generally the people are not concerned about crime. We talk but how many of us are willing to stand up and fight. We seem not to mind the possibility that we could be the next victim!

  4. In the Real Estate business a house can only be sold for what the market can bear, same thing here. The level/amount of crime in this Country is what the Society decides to bear. We need a UNITED Society, which we don't have. We need governments with the political will to do the right thing and history as reflected that we don't have this either. All we have is a "bag a mouth" and no action. The "Bad Ones" are UNITED but the so called "Good Ones" are not UNITED, hence the results. Plus too much CORRUPTION and NASTINESS at the Top. The river is running dirty and the dirt is coming from the top. Mi dun talk..

  5. Crime it has become the norm in our society for a long time, the clear evidence is before us, the attitude towards covid should have been the same for crime decades ago,when we began hiring security guards, auto gate opener,abondoning down town,for new kingston, these are just some of the ways we have been sending indirect messages to criminals that as a society we will retreat and let you have your way,the above refrences mention has become so important to our daily survival that most of us cant sleep comfortable without knowing they are "protecting"us, and as we see so many times they cant really, we must come to the conclusion that " united we stand devided we fall" against this crime monster.


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