Monday 8 November 2021

What's Happening, Monday, November 8, 2021

Man Killed On Darling Street In Kingston

The murders continue in Jamaica unabated and we seem to have put the challenge of crime on the back burner since Covid-19 has arrived on our shores. Another man has been murdered on Darling Street in Downtown Kingston just before noon today. The man is known to repair phones in the area.  Motorists could not traverse the area today and had to drive on Spanish Town Road. The area should be clear now. A detachment of police officers went on the scene shortly after the shooting. Thanks to those persons who covered up the body which was on the street.

Once again, I am calling for a Reserve Police Force to be set up to deal with crime and for us to have some posted as community police in crime ridden areas. The high crime rate has continued for far too long and Jamaicans must now call for strong actions to be taken to deal with it. We should ensure that trials are not drawn out for a long period. We must also carry out the death penalty for those who commit murders especially in the cases of premeditated murders and murders committed during a crime.
Police on Darling Street in Kingston

I just heard from Vernon McLeod, the councilor for the Havendale Division about the shooting which took place in his division last Saturday.  This shooting took place in Ackee Walk off Molynes Road. Jerome Powell was killed and Winston Finley was injured. The area is now very tense and persons are scared to just venture out of their homes. 

JCDC - Sydney Bartley not Appointed?

Information from usually reliable sources have indicated that Mr. Sydney Bartley who was tipped to be the next head of the Jamaica Development Commission (JCDC) has not reported for work at the organization. Social media came alive when word got out that Mr. Bartley was tipped to be the next head of the JCDC. The possibility of this appointment generated a significant amount of controversy in the media especially on this blog. Many big players in the political arena expressed surprise at the possible appointment.

Persons felt that Sydney might not be interested in the position again due to the level of controversy surrounding the possible appointment.  

Sydney Bartley

Fitz Jackson To Seek Legal Solution to Bank Fees

Fitz Jackson MP
Banking fees is something that the host of this blog has always objected to. It is good to see a parliamentarian, Fitz Jackson taking up a consumer issue like this. I encourage other parliamentarian to support the move to remove bank charges for basic bank services.  Based on these charges it means it is no longer worthwhile for your children and persons who have a small amount of cash to save that cash in a bank account.

Rather than using the poor people money to work it for them so that they can get a paltry revenue monthly, many end up seeing their meagre sums evaporate daily.


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Unknown said...

Crime has now reach epidemic propotion,it cant be business as usual, all hands must be on deck

Althea Hewitt said...

So true. It's out of control

Dr. Marjorie Vassell - LiveSmart360 said...

Tiad ah it....every damn day de same damn ting. Whe de leadership deh....we need safety and freedom to nove about our lawful business without constant fear of being killed by stray bullets.

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