Thursday 2 December 2021

Bark Di Trute Is Biting

Thanks to all my friends and supporters who have been sharing my blogs and thanks especially to that nameless friend who encouraged me to explore the idea of publishing things on the Internet. It has been an interesting journey. Learning a bit about graphics, editing videos, editing sound files and developing my skills in using the Internet as a powerful lobby tool.

It has not been an easy task writing these stories almost daily, but thanks to those who came forward and assisted me by contributing articles. Thanks to those who assist me by letting me know when there are errors in the articles. I really appreciate the help because doing a blog like this involves plenty work. It involves writing stories, video recording and editing, sound recording and editing, creating graphics, voicing videos, recording videos and taking pictures. Oh yes it keeps me up late at nights. 

Last month, I had over 41,000 visits to my blog site but this must be increased significantly if I am to reach a larger audience in Jamaica.  I am depending on you to share my blogs and increase my market share. I now have 800 posts, with a total of 191,000 visits to my site, 1106 comments and 17 followers. I definitely need more persons to click on the follow button on the right side of the page and follow my blogs.

I am happy to say that the blog site has achieved the following:

  • Our political leaders and other leaders are reading my blogs and it is clear that they have taken action based on the information conveyed in my blogs.
  • A number of things which needed government agencies to deal with, has been acted upon. For example, a homeless man was highlighted in one of my blogs, was removed shortly after the publication
  • I featured stories from the Pharmaceutical Society of Jamaica and some of these stories got national attention. This resulted in media houses inviting the President for interviews. The Minister of Health and Wellness subsequently met with members of the society.
  • An appointment to the head of an agency did not take place when one of my blog raised serious concerns about the pending appointment.
  • The idea to use a convicted murderer to promote the Covid-19 vaccine was abandoned when the blog about the matter got national attention.
  • The blog highlighting that a former Prime Minister's son needed a kidney. This got national  attention and a few person volunteered to assist. 
  • Thanks to the Jamaica Observer for publishing some of my blog stories. 
  • A number of guest writers are now coming on board and companies are now asking me to publish their information online. 
Next year, Back Di Trute will be looking at the problem of women who give their children to the wrong fathers and also Bark Di Trute intends to lead the discussions on Constitutional Reform. 

Remember to click the follow button on the right side of the blog and always leave a comment to my blogs. You can also share my blogs with your friends. Remember that you can join my groups of supporters by clicking HERE. On the right near the end of the screen there is an area to send me email messages.

Continue support Bark Di Trute as it continues to Bark Di Trute and it continues to bite!

Bark Di Trute blogs feature in the press:

Former PM Edward Seaga's Son Needs Kidney. (This blog was viewed by over 23,000 persons)


Unknown said...

Keep on doing what you doing. You're doing it well

Unknown said...

Just continue to highlight the many concern which came to attention,which caused the relevant authorities to,one concern for you attention is treatment by the government to retired civil servants/government workers especially their health care these former workers build this country

Anonymous said...

23,000 read the need for a kidney for Chris Seaga. That's very encouraging, but I hope that something constructive will happen.......

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

A number of things are already happening but we must continue to bring pressure to bear so that things do happen. The government I understand has started to look at setting up an organ bank and at least two persons have offered to donate their kidneys. We hope that a match is found for Christopher.

David Geddes said...

Explore and utilise all your options, keep up the great work

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