Saturday 1 January 2022

Happy New Year From Vernon Derby

Many of us have been looking forward with excitement for a New Year. Some of us have lost our loved ones in 2021 and also have had some other misfortunes. Some of us have entered the New Year with challenges, but whatever is our position we have life and there is hope. Have a great year and I hope you will like this video which I made for my friends.

I will appreciate your comments to this blog and remember to click the follow button on the right side of the page. Click on the picture below to play the video:


Note: On the right side of the blog there is a CNN link, Frankly Speaking with Franklin McKnight and also a link to the live stream from Halfway Tree, in Kingston Jamaica. 


  1. Bless you Vernon. Long Live. You are our Voice
    Happy New Year

  2. Happy new year to you and your family sir Derby

  3. Happy, happy new year Mr. Derby. All the very best for 2022 - good health, happiness and numerous blessings to you.

  4. Very well done. All the best for 2022

  5. Happy New year also to you Vernon and all the best for 2022.

  6. Happy New year sir Derby,wish you good health and strength throughout 2022,that you can continue to be the of the nation's people,God bless you.

  7. Happy New Year Vernon - continue to bark di trute

  8. A Happy, healthy and prosperous 2022 to to Vernon.

  9. I love the video, real jamaicsn music, God's richest blessings in this new year. Please continue to be a voice for the voiceless. Please keep cortuption balling out on our behalf.

  10. Happy New Year Vernon! Keep up the good work!

  11. Happy New Year Vernon

  12. Thanks Vernon all the very best for 2022, keep up the good work, really interesting, informative and thought provoking at times, blessings

  13. Continued blessings Mr. Derby. Best wishes for 2022


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