Monday 6 December 2021

How To Falla Backa Barbados and Remove Misses Queen!

Mia Mottley
 Prime Minister of Barbados

Barbados has led the way in moving away from having the Queen of the United Kingdom being their head of state. Now Jamaica wan'  falla backa Barbados. We hear persons talking about symbolism of what happened in Barbados but symbolism by itself cannot move this country forward nor put food on our tables. Mia Mottley at this time is proving to be a power house in the Caribbean. Will it last?.

Let me advise my fellow Jamaicans that the discussion about the constitution which is heating up, should not be something for lawyers and politicians alone. It is something for each and every citizen of this country to talk about. Not something that the privilege few  to sit in backra mass house and discuss over tea. The discussions must be conducted in a language that all those of voting age will be able to understand and relate to. Mr. Prime Ministry, you know that I wish you well, and you know that I am a very outspoken person, so I beg of you Sir, take special note of this blog. Mr. Golding you also take special note Sir. Remember that the same ol' same ol', can no longer work.

PM Andrew Holness

We are aware that our laws are not written for the non-lawyers in this .country, yet we are expected to know, understand and comply with these laws or else we could be in trouble with the law. The lawyers will certainly benefit when we run afoul of the law especially due to our lack of understanding of the laws which are not written for us to understand. We will also be at a disadvantage when we do not understand the law in terms of how it is suppose to protect our rights.

Michael Spence one of my contributors and supporters says, "So what if Jamaica becomes a Republic and replaces the queen as head of state, the multimillion US$ cosmetic changes at this time could help to fix literacy now at 88.7% being 97th on the global literacy scale and 9th in CARICOM.

Barbados with adult literacy at 99.6%,  is 20th on the global rankings and 1st in CARICOM. A growing stable economy with their dollar at approximately two Barbadian dollars  to one US.  It has had that value from "Wappy kill Fillup." .Barbados leadership has earned the wherewithal to become a Republic in a small but safe, growing, stable political and civilized socioeconomic environment." So says Michael Spence.

I will add, if we kick out the Queen, will we with the same magic wand, kick out the extremely high crime rate and corruption, kick out the indiscipline in the society, kick out the undemocratic way in which we operate and kick out a security and a justice system which leaves much to be desired?

If this discussions about constitutional reform is one controlled by lawyers and political leaders then this whole exercise will become a symbolic one with the removal of the Queen as Head of State, to be replaced with our own Jamaican Head of State. We could end of just changing the colour of our head of state and the colour of things remain the same!

The development of a new constitution which will enable us to become a republic should be discussed in the homes, the classrooms and in the society generally. First thing we need to come to a consensus on is how to make this society a truly democratic one. Not one in which we elect persons every five years to dictate to us.

I have a few ideas which I would like you to consider and to add your own as comments to this blog. The President the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister must be voted for nationally. They should serve for a term lasting 4 years and allowed to serve for a maximum of two consecutive terms.

We should have two houses, the legislature where laws are made and the senate where the laws are reviewed. Both houses should have their members elected and not selected as currently exist for the senate. Senators would be nationally elected and should not represent any constituency. Members of both houses should serve for a period of four years and should not serve more than a maximum of three terms..

The President's should serve as a buffer between the  people and those who serve us in both houses of parliament. The President should be the protector of the constitution and in the situation where the government is unable to function then the President shall take control of the country until a new government is in place.

All Ministerial Appointments must be approved by a majority of the legislature and these members of the executive will not be members of the houses of parliament. These ministers will be held accountable by the legislature and will report to the Prime Minister.

Ministers can be removed by the Prime Minister or by a two thirds majority of the legislature.  This would normally be done after a parliamentary investigation has been undertaken by a sub-committee of parliament or if the Minister is found guilty of a crime. Any one with a criminal background shall become ineligible to be a member of the legislature, the senate or be a member of the Executive or be the Governor General.

The legislature should have the power to impeach the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister or the President.

All councilors and mayors should be elected by the people. 

Underpinning all of this would be a system of strong laws which would ensure open government, and also that all government entities would be obligated to report to the people periodically. Corruption in government would be treated very seriously and where you have major corruption then the offenders should have life sentence as the maximum possible penalty.

The discussion about having a new constitution has started again in Jamaica. You can say your bit by adding your comments to this blog. Remember that the discussions are not about political parties but about you and I and the future of this little rock, called Jamaica.

More Readings:


A New Release for Artistes For Change

Click the picture in order to listen to the music.

 Artistes For Change Channel

I have a channel with great Jamaican music which you will have a difficulty finding in other places. These reggae and other genre of music are uplifting musing for the family. Music which you can send to anyone anywhere in the world by just sending the link.

Latest Information on Omicron!

There is a new variant of Covid-19 first identified in South Africa but it is now in a number of countries. There are many misinformation going around on the Internet about this strain. Click on the link below and learn about this new strain of Covid-19.

WHO latest information on omicron.


  1. Excellent points made mr Derby.. but will those inn charge listen?Are Jamaicans even taking the time out to care about how the country is being run or are they just pre occupied with hustling as Flow recently encouraged us all to do?

    1. Just make sure that you share the post with as many persons as possible. If enough persons start talking they will have to listen.

  2. "Falla back a Barbados" yes but with similar socioeconomic substance.This is not like Dancehall style and hype.What about the over 1,000,000 squatters in 2021.In 1838 there were 350,000,what of Reparations.let us have some meat and food with it,a bare bones legalese republic won't do.The ordinary Jamaican must be able to say "wah eena it fi dem" and say "dis Republic a di bess".

  3. Are you sure they will listen sir remember this is Jamaica and is just few people have the say

  4. I have to agree with you Mr Derby, Barbados PM in my view is a part of the "woke"phenomena that is now engolfing the globe, she has already align herself with such, as jamaican's we are natural leaders however in recent times we have relinguish this claim all because our present leaders have become lazy, lacking in vision? Without which our people perish, self- centered,a could go on and on,how do we not know that Barbados have not " jump outta frying pan n jump in de fyia" time will tell.


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