Monday 27 December 2021

Next Year Just Around The Corner

Covid-19 Will Walk & Talk January 2021

Will it be a calamity come the middle of January, 2022, and after?  Jamaicans seemed to have forgotten about Covid-19. The Delta and the Omicron Covid-19 variants are still around. Come January I, 2021, expect one business to make even greater profits. and that is the funeral business. We seem to take Covid-19 as a joke and it is going to teach us a lesson. Delta and Omicron are now creating a hurricane in other countries and it is just a matter of time before we feel the full force of the winds.

On YouTube I saw massive crowds in May Pen with many without masks and they were having a grand time. 

Barbados Elections

Mia Mottley Speaks to her people

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