Tuesday 7 December 2021


The Following Press Release Was Received: 

The Ministry of Transport and Mining is rejecting as misleading, the story published in a major newspaper on December 6, 2021 headlined “Montague ex-adviser lands $5m job without basic requirements”.

The story refers to Mr. Lerone Laing who holds a Master of Science Degree in Economics, with distinction and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science with Upper Second Class Honours, as well as three (3) years’ experience at the mid-manager level at the time of his application, encompassing the required competencies – knowledge of laws and transport issues, direct experience as an economist and environmental awareness.

Mr. Laing was selected to serve as interim Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Toll Authority in October 2019 for an initial period of six months, following the resignation of the then CEO and against the background of the Toll Authority being among the Public Sector entities slated at that time for rationalization.

Mr. Laing was chosen after advertisement of the position in a major newspaper on August 21, 2019, further to which ten applications were received. Two candidates were shortlisted, Mr. Laing and one other candidate who was based overseas. Given the uncertainty of tenure within the context of the expected rationalization process, Mr. Laing was considered the more suitable of the two.

Importantly, Mr. Laing was deemed suitable for the assignment based on his qualifications, experience and competencies. The minimum qualifications are that the candidate should hold a Master’s Degree in Business Administration OR relevant discipline. Mr. Laing is therefore more than qualified for the position.

As the person selected to do the job, Mr. Laing is paid what is attached to the post, which is clearly identified in the Establishment of the Government of Jamaica (GoJ): a salary range of $3,032,763.00 to $3,605,002.00 per annum, with travelling allowance of $1,697,148.00 per annum if in possession of a motor vehicle or $678,864.00 per annum without a motor vehicle.

The initial assignment of six months was later extended by one year with effect from April 1, 2020, following assessment of Mr. Laing’s performance by the Authority.

The fact that Mr. Laing served as advisor to the Minister of Transport and Mining between March 2018 and September 2019, has nothing to do with the reality that he emerged as the most suitable candidate after a standard selection process and is therefore serving as the CEO of the Toll Authority as a result of that selection.

At the time, the Toll Authority was slated to undergo a transformation process, which would see to the reintegration of the Toll Authority into the Ministry. This consideration contributed to the recruitment process manifesting as outlined.

It should also be noted that these details were provided by the Ministry as responses to questions emailed by a reporter from the newspaper. The Ministry answered the various questions posed through correspondence dated November 3, 2021 and December 2, 2021.

Based on these facts, the Ministry reiterates that this story published today is misleading in its argument that the CEO of the Toll Authority does not meet the requirements for the job. The Ministry of Transport and Mining reassure its partners and the wider public that its processes and operations, as well as those of the Toll Authority are above board, and will remain so.


Unknown said...

If it is that at this time as a country we can have these claims and counter- claims as it relates to corruption, it simple means in my view that as a country we are not yet mature to go republic, i shiver to think of us as a republic with these types af accusations hanging around,

Anonymous said...

If what is documented above is correct, then why would someone claim that this person is not qualified? The irony is that the person who is making this claim is NOT qualified to be a journalist. This person, indeed, is qualified to be a TROUBLE MAKER, a NEWS MONGER. These kind of behaviour need to stop, have no value..

Yout said...

Theft? Corruption in Jamaica? NEVER!

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