Wednesday 29 December 2021

Year Against Crime -2022

Solving Crime in Jamaica

One of my supporters for my radio show and also my Bark Di Trute blog site, has given me a great idea. Based on that idea I am now thinking of other things. This persons says that we should declare 2022 The Year of Informers, and I would add it should also be declared, Jamaica's Year Against Crime. This will not just be just about declarations, but a call to action by all. 2022 is the year when Prime Minister Andrew Holness must lead this initiative, and  in doing so, ensure that he gets the overwhelming support of the Jamaican people. This cannot be a PNP vs JLP thing, but a national effort to deal with this crime pandemic once and for all.

It must be all hands on deck. All the mothers, grandmothers, fathers, grandfathers, other family members and friends of these criminals need to take the decision to inform on all criminals connected to them. Comply and the state will reward you well, fail to comply could result in some very serious consequences.

Time to bring back capital punishment for all premeditated murders and life sentence for those caught with guns. I said in a blog recently, that life sentence does not mean being locked up in a prison, but persons can be fitted with electronic devices and they could be required to do hard labour in their communities.

We must cut back the budgets for some government departments and ensure that the judicial system and the police force are given significant increase in resources to carry out their functions. The judicial and the security arm of government must be modernized and computerized and this should be backed by the implementation of the National Identification system. At the same time, we must restructure the Jamaica Constabulary force  so that corrupt cops will find no place of comfort in that organization. We must seek international help in the transfer of technology and gathering intelligence as we fight this monster.

At the same time our judicial system should be empowered to give life sentences for political leaders who are involved in corruption.

Jamaicans must start calling on the government to act now to deal with crime. I expect that the opposition will fall in line because the government would have gotten the buy in of the people. Let our leaders know that it cannot be business as usual in Jamaica. We have lost thousands of our loved ones over the years and we have had enough. The nation needs to send a strong message to our leaders that wishy washy ideas and wishy washy strategies will no longer be tolerated.

Are you ready to take a stand? You can start by sharing this blog and also organizing your Anti Crime Committee Community groups. Time for our men to stand up and time for the women to stop taking care of bad man. Time to tell the Prime Minister to act now or else he should......

2022 Has to be a New Year when we do New Things because it cannot be business as usual! We can start with not just a shuffle  of a the Cabinet in January 2022, but a shuffle out of some Ministers.

Vernon Derby Bark Di Trute

Other Readings:

Note: Dealing with the Covid-19 would be part of the strategy. A robust computerized ticketing system should be developed so that persons who fail to comply with the protocols  would be ticketed.  The receipt of additional tickets would mean the incurring of harsher penalties. 


Obey,  or disobey and Pay.


Unknown said...

I will say this again, the same effort this PM put into covid vaccination MUST be the same effort into crime fighting,he is not a doctor yet he took it unto himself to lead the covid fight, he may not be a officer but as our PM he is our Commander and Chief he has a responsibility do it.

Rohan James said...

Vernon, this is a timely call to action and I verily hope that those who are entrusted by the people will stir response to duties call. If other countries can see the benefits of our great human resource capital, why our leaders can't. Enough is enough, pretty speeches and dreams won't cut it, only decisive actions in protection of our citizens. If the will is lacking may God help us All.

Empress Leona said...

Well said. The security forces along with politicians should face harsher penalties for crimes; harsher than what is already on the books.
The people possess the power to push the politicians to enforce anti-crime laws, and to amend existing laws.

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