Saturday 6 November 2021

What's Happening, November 6, 2021

Judge Orders Police Brought Before the Court in Handcuffs

Corporal Rohan James
The Jamaica Police Federation has sent out a release about a judge ordering a police man in uniform to be brought before the court in handcuffs, for failing to appear in court the previous day. The federation release under the name of its President Rohan James, stated that the constable had another matter in another court with similar jurisdiction. This was communicated to the appropriate persons who had in turn highlight this to the judge.

My first response is do we have a system in place to deal with this challenge of a police not being able to attend court? First, police officers should be informed possible about a week in advance that the officer  is to attend court. This advice should be sent electronically to the officer and this system would allow the officer to indicate his inability to attend court or not. 

The idea of a judge having the power to haul a police officer in front of the court just like that is an indication of a system which is not working. I am aware that officers sometimes do not turn up for cases and this must be frustrating for all. We cannot have different arms of the system dealing with justice being at war. If persons who are part of the security, and the judicial system cannot work together, then we should not expect the system to deal with crime in a country were we are in the top 10 in terms of the number of murders committed annually per capita in Jamaica. 

If the judge abused his power then a report should be made to the appropriate body to deal with it. It is possible that this judge should not continue as a judge! The country must be able to to have full confidence in those who are to see to it that our laws are obeyed, and those who are arbitrators of justice. If this is not working then this country is doomed for failure.

The Police Federation should realize that this country needs ideas as to how to improve the system because those who are in a position to come up with ideas are coming up with blanks.  Every sector of the society must be held accountable. Police officers should be held accountable and so should our judges. Where any one falls short, them that persons should be told to pack their bags and leave or be encouraged to do so depending on the severity of the case.

I encourage the Police Federation to forget the confrontation and any disruption of the system. Get the ideas out there for solving a situation which cannot continue. I encourage well thinking Jamaicans to look at those solutions and to come up with your own. We should then advise our humble servants in Gordon House what action should be taken. You can start by adding your comments at the end of this blog.

Brenda Hines

Brenda Hines

Brenda Hines who was married to Phillip Hines and was living in Lime Tree, Trelawny before migrating to the United States, has died. I wish all her family members and friends all the best.

JCDC Crisis - Minister Grange in an Unenviable Position!!!

Daffodil Thompson
Our sources have indicated that Mr. Sydney Bartley who was tipped to be the next head of the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC), has not yet taken up the position. Indications are that the controversy surrounding his appointment might have caused the authorities to think twice. Objections to this possible appointment have come from the political parties, public servants, other stakeholders and the general public. 

The JCDC has been without a permanent head for about four
Leydon Kirton
years. Many have cited the danger of having an organization for so long without a permanent head. Mr. Sydney Bartley cannot be appointed permanently, because he is above retirement age. Daffodil Thompson who acted as head before,  was not given the nod for the post even although she had the support of the then Board. Many were impressed with her leadership style and she did significant work in streamlining the operations of the JCDC. A reliable source advised me when Mrs. Leyden Kirton was appointed to act as Executive Director, that she would not be confirmed in the job. He felt that she would not be confirmed, because there are certain things that she would not be willing to do while occupying that post.


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Unknown said...

The judge could have used his discretion and judgement in the case of the constable which would have prevented this embarrassment on the part of the police. This is not rocket science. That judge is power hungry.

Just sis G said...

That is an embarrassing both to the police and the people of the country.The matter could have dealt with in a respectful way .And I hope whosoever in Authority deal with that judge no one is above the law.

Unknown said...

Some police make it a habit not to turn up for court in a blatant disregard for their duty and their obligation. This might be one of those police men who ignore their court appointments and was made an example. Good judge.

Unknown said...

If a journalist don't like you, dog nyam yuh supper. And vouching for their friends at the same time.

Anonymous said...

well well..they have to.listen to the voice of the people.. re the JCDC issue..why take this man outvofcreturement? did he not get a good pay and retirement package.. ? why dies BabdybGrange like to hang on to these "has beens..fallen stars"?..I've seen it before in her micro management style. there comes,a tomecwhen we must know..its time to bow out and leave the stage.. worse if controversy surrounds your name..Bye bye Syd..go back to your hole and enjoy your retirement..SMH

Unknown said...

That judge needs additional training

Unknown said...

The Judge could deal with the matter better

Unknown said...

Not even the most dangerous criminals are taken before the judge in handcuffs in Jamaica. That's not the protocol. Ask any police man/woman

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