Sunday 9 January 2022

Actor Michael Everett Has Died

I have received information from a few persons that Jamaican actor, Michael Everett, a graduate of Excelsior High School,  who later returned to his alma mater to head its drama department, died on Wednesday, December 29, 2021. This information was post in a few WhatsApp groups and was sent in a message by one Duane Coombs

Michael the message says was a resident of Miami Gardens in Florida, Everett first lived in New York after immigrating from Jamaica, and  later relocated to  South Florida, where he had lived for the past few years.

Michael appeared in a number of stage plays and also in Trevor Rhone's play which was later made into a film, Smile Orange.

More Readings

Michael's appointment to Jamaican to chair Broward County Diversity Advisory Council


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