Sunday 9 January 2022

Prime Minister Andrew Holness Must Act Decisively Now!!!

Andrew Holness PM of Jamaica
PM Andrew Holness

The calls are growing louder about corruption in Jamaica. Corruption has been taking place in Jamaica for far too long now. It seems that corruption is everywhere. The talk on the street is that it is the worst it has ever been. This might be perception rather than reality, but if we ignore this, we could end up with further deterioration in the level of confidence that the people have in the political directorate. Persons who support both major political parties seem to be losing confidence in the leadership of the parties. I have always said, "Perception is real, and reality is not real unless perceived." The perception or the reality that Jamaica is very corrupt is a matter that has to be dealt with now!

One source called me today to inform me that there are numerous police files dealing with fraud cases, which are just locked away in a store room in Downtown Kingston. I would like the agencies of the state to say how many fraud cases were being actively investigated in 2021 and how many have been brought forward to this year? I would also like to know how many fraud cases we have had since 1972 which can be classified as cold cases? The Integrity Commission needs to state how many cases they have completed investigation into for 2021, and how many cases  have been brought forward to 2022. We need to know what action has been taken to deal with those cases for which investigations have been completed?.

The nation hears about the Auditor General Reports annually, but little is heard about actions taken against those who are responsible for the breakdown in the system. Say what you want to say about INDECOM, the nation is aware of the work being done by INDECOM. We are aware of police officers who have been indicted and have been convicted in our courts of law. We are also aware that some officers who have lost their cases have  had to pay the penalty.

Many cases of corruption and poor financial management which have been taking place in the country, sometimes are not mentioned in the traditional press. There are plenty discussions now taking place on social media about corruption in Jamaica and some are very damming.

Further erosion in confidence in the political leadership of the country, and also other arms of the state, will lead to further deterioration in law and order, We could end up facing similar challenges being faced by Haiti. The annual murder rate is a barometer for the state of affairs in the country.

The Prime Minister, is losing his sheen after winning the last election handsomely. Persons still love him, but frustration and hopelessness is impacting negatively on the spirit of the people. We have reached a stage where the Prime Minister must act now, not only to save his political future but also the country.

The following are some changes that are needed now and not tomorrow:

  1. Make major constitutional changes to transform  this country into a modern, democratic, productive country where accountability is the hallmark of all that we do. 
  2. Those leaders and state officials who betray the trust of the people should pay dearly for their deeds.  
  3. In Jamaica we have been in the habit of shuffling Cabinet Members, but now is the time to not just shuffle the minister, but to shuffle out some. 
  4. We need to transform the police force into a well organized and trained body of persons under the leadership of a strong Board, to deal with the crime.
  5. We need to overhaul the justice system so that no case takes more than six months or less to be dealt with.
  6. Govt need to make salaries more attractive in key posts to engage the brightest and the best to move the public sector forward.

Let us not be fooled that Jamaica's problem lies only at the political level, because many public servants by their performance, come across as if they are sabotaging the system.  Many in the private sector also need to take a long hard look into themselves.

The water is dirty at this time...very dirty. Social decadence and decay is eating away at the core of the society. Failure to act now to halt this slide, could result in this country heading down the road to be a failed state. Those who are fighting for political power should not believe that Jamaicans are stupid. Many persons feel that it is a case of no better herring no better barrel. 

We need bold and decisive leaders, leaders who will not flinch to deal with corruption, and who will have no fear in dealing with criminals and local terrorists. We need leaders who will transform this country back to the loving and caring place it was in the 1960's. The nation must now stand up and say in one voice that we will not continue like this. Jamaicans will not be impressed with the display of public relations activities aimed at bolstering popularity, but with the will of our leaders to make this a better country and a better place. 

PM, it is time to start the National Discussions For Change. A change which will see decisive action by you Mr. Prime Minister leading to improvements in the country. We need you to inspire good Jamaicans to work together to make this place a better place, This action could change the history of this beautiful country, Jamaica Land We Love. 

Many years ago when you just entered politics I had strong words for you Mr. PM which you have not forgotten.  Today once again my words are strong but in a different way. The people still love you. and they want you to succeed because they want their country to succeed.


Add your comments to this blog so that the PM, the Leader of the Opposition and other leaders will see it.



  1. I concur with the writer of the above article. This article was well thought out and carefully put together. The political directorate is not short on advice and recommendations. Our leaders are just stubborn and self centred for the most part. We need a complete revolution of actions and not thoughts. Wake up Jamaicans; It is action time Jamaica;Let us move our country forward perpetually, even for once.

  2. Yes we need the PM to act now not only on corruption also on crime, the sentence that has being given to murders is nothing but a big joke and slap in the face to law-abiding citizens

  3. Someone sent me a message stating that 2043 cases been reported between 2016 and 2019. The proceeds of fraud which is called money laundering. Only 3 money laundering have been tried so far. I would love the FID to give us information about this. This is serious if it is true.

  4. Dear Vernon, please could you also start opening of the can of worms which is the construction of more than dozens of apartment complexes all over the city? Who AT KSAMC allowed these? Where will the water supply come from??? Who cares about the intrusion of these ugly blocks into quiet residential areas? Is there also corruption behind???????

    1. I have been on that a long time now and you are highlighting it now. Thanks for that. Support is needed in this fight. Continue to share these posts.

  5. If the PM is not taking responsibility for the ills of our country and blaming others for not supporting certain mwasures, how will he be able to make changes _ by crying? Do we now need divine intervention?

  6. Well said. Cleaning up corruption is the cornerstone of improvement. Start top down, even those who are trying to clean up their image and source of funds. Investigate....poverty to sudden come ??

  7. " justice delayed is justice denyed" for far too long we have being verbalizing on this crime issue, this P M who proudly claiming youthfullness upon taking office yet his attitude towards crime,corruption is the same as previous leaders how could this be? I still believe we as a country have the ability to put a lid on corruption,i refuse to think other-wise.

  8. A very well written article copiously annotated with facts. A recent visit to my Doctor, he mentioned much of the same things you have put forward. Sir Derby, continue to be a voice for the people. May God continue to bless you abundantly.


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