Sunday 13 February 2022

NDM calls for the Reorganization of the Firearm Licensing Authority

Peter Townsend
NDM President

The National Democratic Movement (NDM) is calling on Prime Minister Andrew Holness to immediately commission an overhaul of the Firearm Licensing Authority. The party is of the view that the FLA is denying the Jamaican people their constitutional right to self-defense.  

With the rampant crime raging across the nation, applicants for firearm licenses are being hassled and turned down for frivolous reasons, such as (1) there is no need for a firearm or (2) a person's home is not substantial enough.  

The NDM is suggesting that the Authority is taken out of the hands of political hacks and a non-political Commission appointed by the Governor General and reports directly to Parliament be a replacement. 

The Holness Administration should explain to the Jamaican people the reason why he has appointed a Gestapo type body to oversee this very crucial agency. 

The NDM is reminding the Prime Minister and the National Security Minister that the only people being barred from owning firearms are the law-abiding citizens. The outlaws will go to any means to own illegal weapons, which they have in abundance. The law-abiding who play by the rules are being shafted. 

The constitution gives the Jamaican people the right to defend themselves and it did not restrict that right to sticks and stones. The FLA therefore is not fulfilling its mandate and the Jamaican people are demanding answers.  



  1. I never know NDM was still around yes we all need to be protected but I don't believe we all should have a gun if every Jamaicans have a gun we would be heading for disaster

  2. Resurrection of the NDM. I agree totally, some ppl don't need to go near a firearm.everybody including police should under go physiological evaluation.
    Then they should be good to go, the more.of us armed the safer all of us will be.

  3. I agree totally.Our politics has infiltrate every public organization in this country for far too long, its full time we see our Gov divorce it self from public institutions.


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