Thursday 17 February 2022

Pretty Talk Cannot Improve Our Integrity!!!

I have been around long enough and I have seen the high level of corruption and crime over the years in Jamaica. Many of us cannot even afford to cover our expenses nor pay our taxes, yet some persons hardly do anything and they are able to buy the world. Jamaicans are getting impatient and the Mello FM Bill Johnson Poll has shown that the government is not sitting too well at this time. Remember that 'Perception is real and reality is not real unless perceived'.

I have seen corruption in politics, in the church, in business and..... probably I should try and ascertain where we cannot find corruption in Jamaica. I have seen the National Airline grounded, JOS was literally destroyed and we wonder why? The JPS and NWC have suffered heavy losses over the year due to crime and failure of the authorities to take decisive actions against this crime.

Many of you who are now making plenty noise in the public space, should step aside because you are a distraction and your utterances are not helping to facilitate national development. You love to talk about your good name implying that others should shut up or else you will call upon the libel law to protect you. You are merely just blowing hot air!

My mother always told me that if you lie you will tiefThose who see this post and know that this post might implicate them, should consider just sliding away into the sunset. It is said that if you live eena glass house don't throw stones.


I have known the big players involved in the discussions about the Firearm Licensing Authority for a LONG time. At least two of them I knew them when they were youngsters. Nuff said!


Listen to my suggestions to the banks.


  1. Am tried of what going in in my beautiful country and all of the have been going along while but because no one care for is not the big man it affect is the Small people it affect.Someone must be be at Fault.Thank Mr Derby let me get the update too.

  2. Well said πŸ‘πŸ‘ Mr Derby ♥️ that's what my mom always said to, if you lie you will tief.

    1. Mass Vernon the real quote I grew up hearing is "if you sleep with dogs you rise with fleas"
      "Show me you company and I know who you are".
      Corruption and the crime industry accounts for at least 10% of GDP.
      The World Bank has revealed that crime consumes 5% of Jamaicas GDP so do the calculations and tell us how many billions $Ja.
      It should also be noted the crime industry when you combine the ledlgitimate and the illigitimate sectors it is the fastest growing and most lucrative industry to be in.That is what Crime Plans after Crime plans do,they succeed in growing the Crime Industry by billions of dollars.
      Have you noticed that most top crime fighters when they leave the JCF including Commissioners go about setting up security companies and even engage in the ganja industries that before it became decriminalized would have arrested and sent many to prison.Dont misread me every citizen has a right engage in any legal industry and ganja or guns is no exception.
      Since Independence 1962 Jamaica has been successful at growing a lucrative crime industry,making Jamaica a Murderous Criminals Paradise among the world's top 6.
      In 1962 there were 63 murders and in 2021 there were 1400.
      Between then and now we have murdered more than 60,000 of ourselves.
      Crime industry has approximately 12,000 JCF and more than 70,000 security guards is the tip of the legitimate industry.
      If you eximane people's behaviour you realize that most of us are criminals because we engage in behaviour that could attract an imprisonment or a fine on a daily basis.Lqck of awareness of the foregoing is what has made criminal behaviour for most the norm some more egregious than others.
      Fines and penalties have been increasing for decades and yet the industry grows and grows.
      Revisit even the Gun Court Act of 1970s into the early 80s more draconian than that you could never find in the civilized world was eventually struck down as unconstitutional.
      All you hearing now Jamaica has " been there done that".

  3. Bro! From I was a youth I use to read Mutty Perkins articles and listen to his radio program every day, he use to speak about the level of corruption and indiscipline in the country, I will be 51 years old this year, things haven’t changed one bit. To use Mutty words Jamaica is a failed State.

    1. Things have gotten worse day by day is a truism.Corruption cannot be gotten rid of even as the top of the stream is a muddy cesspool,the middle and the bottom will be no different.
      It takes leadership willing to fight the good fight but everybody is lining their pockets.Sad sad sad sad ordinary us stick our necks out it gets chopped off

  4. Slide away! They are as barefaced as anything.

  5. Yes Vernon these are true thoughts.Whèn a party is in opposition you say anything when you get elected and you see riches then hair starts to grow in your hand middle in otherwords yù start tief.

  6. Sir stop nice up the thing slide away corruption is wrong send them a prison like anyone else because them know that they can do it and get away that why they doing it a bet if one a them go do some time things change I am not hash but it's full time now them need to stop it

    1. Are you willing to pay the multi-million dollar fine when I get into trouble? :)

    2. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  7. If you lie yuh must tief that me know.normal people wuk from sunset to sun down and as if you not doing anything, nothing caan balance,and in a/c everyday doing nothing and living their best life.very unfair, but they must start locking them up then things will and must change, no paid leave


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