Saturday 12 February 2022

Update on Water Supply

Andrew Cannon
Corporate Public Relations Manager

Andrew Cannon, Corporate Public Relations Manager for the National Water Commission (NWC), says the NWC  teams are currently working to restore supply as quickly as possible to Washington Boulevard and surrounding areas.

He went on to say that inflows to the surface water sources have been drastically reduced over the past several weeks.

At the moment, the NWC is in the process of boosting outflows from their treatment plant to effectively meet the demand for water. The NWC is also in the process of restoring the supply of water later tonight, and it is appealing for customers to be patient and understanding. The NWC says that it apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Mr. Cannon says that there is a dramatic increase in the amount of water that flows through the lines which serve Washington Gardens and the affected areas that were without supply, however, the restoration to these areas will not be immediate, but will be gradual. 

Some areas have been without water since Friday, February 11, 2022.


Please share this post with all the members of  your community who are without NWC water and ask them to add their comments.

Other Information

Water is life - many are dying for a drop of water.

NWC radio programme - February 10, 2021. (Starts 30 minutes after start of programme.)



  1. There is no shortage of Water in this land of Wood & Water. Just a shortage of Care, Management & Will.

  2. Web access portal doesn't work. I tried using it last w/end to pay a bill. Telling me nonsense about not recognizing my social security #

  3. We trust that the government, parish councils and NWC have a coordinated plan to supply water not only in Kingston but throughout Jamaica. This must be based on projected population growth. Given the technogy available, this is a "no brainer". Water must be piped from the foot of waterfalls to whereever needed - could be expensive but necessary.

  4. ......and not enough water catchments!!!!!


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