Saturday 5 March 2022

The Next War Could be in Long Mountain in Kingston!!

Long Mountain Country Club

You would be surprised at what happens even in residential areas in Jamaica where the more affluent live. For example, this case was brought to my attention where the storm water drain in the community, was blocked by someone who decided to put up a wall which resulted in flooding and this put another home at risk. This is in Long Mountain Country Club in St. Andrew, Jamaica.

Because of this, I understand that there is tension in the community. If my suggestion to have community courts in the various communities was implemented, then this matter would have been settled long ago. If the offended residents go through this judicial system then by the time the case is finished the complainant and the defendant would have passed on. The interesting thing is that the person who build that wall is possibly an executive in a company and if a worker comes to work late at their company, the first option they would have is to fire that worker.

Have a look at the still picture and the video below and let me know what  you think by adding your comments to this blog.

Storm Drain Now in the Middle of a Storm

What Happens When it Rains

Will the KSAMC have a say in this matter when the councillors wake up? Will this community challenge results in violence.



  1. This is why crime continues to reign in our country,we Jamaican are short tempered and will not wait on the court system for settlement but will just make a link and yellow tape draw. Your idea would delay us making that link.#community court.

  2. It should not have happened in the first place thereby there would be no need for a dispute.Isnt there a Citizens Assn that can mediate?. Judges, Senior Policemen and other law stakeholders live in that community.

    1. This is not a mediation matter, this is a matter to be deal with under the law.

  3. If it was a member of the community who does not recognized as Mr Big and it is reported to the relevant authorities ,we would see the drastic action taken against him,the small in a community has no right only their electoral vote are recognized

  4. The KSAMC should send a work team to correct the problem immediately with a warning notice and also the cost to the land owner and if the person don't pay for the cost within a specified date then its a court case, too much solving of problems from behind a desk which is not always effective

  5. Why can't we just do to others what we would want them to do to us God help us I hope this will solve before it is too late

  6. Just report the matter to the councillor. My councillor response quickly to issues.

  7. This is simply selfishness,the basic reason why communities exist is to unite a set of people from different back-ground in to one united bunch, hense COMM-UNITY
    ^ ^
    come unite
    Selfishness is destroying us, why cant we do to others as we would have them do to us?.

  8. Councillor Kari Douglas has made contact with me and also a Minister of Government. Thanks to all of you for sharing this blog. Continue to share these blogs.

  9. Is this any diffent to Putin decided that he will invade ukrain.
    The diffrence is that the Ukrainians is fighting and not talking.
    Doesn't anyone in the community have a sledge hammer?

  10. Mr Derby, sometimes as journalists, matters like these, we think it would be wise to get to the bottom before publishing? There are always 2 sides to a story! To instigate 'war'as your headline states is not admirable. Neighbours should act neighbourly on both fronts. If an opportunity is extended don't treat with scant regard. Registered proprietors have rights? Waste water from washing machines across one's property, through drainage built illegally to get to common drain, causing a stench, i think would be unacceptable by any property owner. Owners of properties in this Club knows the right thing to do with waste and storm waters as correctly mentioned by a message sent out by a neighbour in the group "If your storm /rain water goes to the drain behind you, please rechannel same in your manhole on your property Asap". In my opinion, original proprietors residing above or below a lot in that huge complex knows exactly what to do.Questions that come to mind: Were complaints made by property owner to the relevant authorities? Has the Club done anything prior to? Is this a legal drainage?

    1. Sometimes as readers we should get to the bottom of the matter before targeting those who highlight illegal acts. Probably that's why the philosophy that the informer fi dead culture is so common in the country. We target those who highlight things rather than those who need to be brought to justice. Since this matter has been highlighted, a government Minister has shown interest in the matter and also a KSAMC councillor. It is the KSAMC which must get to the bottom of this matter and not a blogger who does this voluntarily. What are you doing to persuade persons from breaching covenants and not following approved building plans? This writer is certainly not the challenge and thank God we do not live in a totalitarian state. There is only one side to this story and that is the citizens have reported a breach to me. This matter has no side, no top or bottom. Just whether a breach has been committed or not.

  11. It is interesting to note that a few persons love to take issue with this blog. This blog is about helping people and also helping to fight their issues. A few of you need to understand how one uses one's writing skills to get attention and to get action. We know for example that in Jamaica when you want to get immediate action all one has to do is burn tires and block roads. I only push a little fire with words and without damaging any property or anyone I get action. Let's not kill the messenger, let's deal with the many challenges which beset this lovely country.


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