Sunday 20 November 2022

Man Aimed His Gun at Unstable Woman Who Approached Him in New Kingston

I got a video this week, showing a man aiming his firearm at a woman in New Kingston. Based on what I saw in the video, and from comments made by persons, one can extrapolate the following:

A man is heading to his car, and while heading to his car, a woman confronted him. Persons have said to me that the woman who confronted this man, is a beggar who frequents the New Kingston area. She displays anti-social behaviour.

This woman started to approach the man and he took defensive action by stepping back from the woman who continued to approach him. The woman continued to approach him while he kept stepping back and looking at her. From what I saw in the video, the man apparently was telling her that her approaching him, was not welcomed. The gentleman pulled his firearm, aimed it at the woman and the woman immediately backed off. He then went to his car and drove off.

The photographer who captured the incident, then read out the license of the car and recorded that on the video. That video is now being circulated over the Internet with the license of the car. This could put the driver of the car in danger since the license of the car has been made public. What a sick thing to do! 

My first concern is what is our strategy to deal with the mentally ill, addicts and those homeless persons on our streets. These persons pose a danger to persons going about their daily business. A few years ago, one chopped a police officer severely in Christiana, Manchester. Other citizens and motorists have suffered at the hands of these mentally challenged persons. Recently one mentally challenged person severed the head of someone in rural Jamaica. In the past we have tried to deal with these street, and mentally challenged people by relocating them near a mud lake in western Jamaica. Cruel and heartless people have set these persons ablaze while they were sleeping on the sidewalk.

Back to this incident with this man in New Kingston. Anyone who feels threatened has a right to protect themselves. This man had a gun on him, (I hope that it was a licensed gun.) and after realizing that a threat was imminent, he had his firearm ready. That is what persons acquire firearms for. It is clear that the lady realized that one should not take chances with an armed individual. The question is, suppose he did not get his firearm ready, and the lady had attacked him, found his firearm, and took it away? Why should a person on seeing a person suspected to be mentally challenged wait until he or she is harmed before taking evasive action. The lady responded appropriately to the sight of the firearm and subsequently all ended well.

What is interesting, is that this matter has gone viral and the concern of many Jamaicans, is that the man should not have pulled his firearm. The man stepped back for some distance before taking evasive action and he made sure to keep his eyes on the aggressor. What is interesting is that a number of Jamaicans have started to tear down this man for protecting himself. Earlier this week, when a lady who felt threatened by that clown who shouted at her to get out of that taxi, if she had a firearm and pointed it at that clown, then he would have no option but to back off. That video with that clown has also gone viral and he has been recognized by one media entity. We are now having the same reaction to a situation where a woman who seems to be challenged mentally, is being made into a star and the man who only sought to defend himself is being treated as a common criminal. Only in Jamaica!

Jamaica we will continue to pay dearly until the most of us who support good over-power those who support evil. Satan has certainly taken control of our beautiful country Jamaica. We are paying dearly for it.

Click HERE to view the video.


  1. I suppose the critics of this man's behaviour wanted to see what the woman would do to him. We have grown into a society that cherish high drama. I am happy the situation ended quickly and quietly.

  2. Glad nothing else did not happen

  3. Thank God nothing happened but I hope he will be safe too

  4. Why would somebody put the man liscene plate out they are not thinking . The Lord have mercy on Jamaica.

  5. As a licensed firearm holder myself, I believe he acted generally appropriately. Use of force training speaks to an aggressor having Intent, ability and opportunity. In which case it is clear to me that the lady had all 3. The person who took the video is clearly also a professional clown, as rather than intervention on behalf of the man who was retreating, he instead felt that he should expose a man trying to defend himself as is his legal and humane right. - OSEA

  6. Apparently there may be more than one or two mentally unstable persons involved here.🇯🇲👀🤔

  7. What I don't understand is the fact that is ok for persons of unsound minds to be roaming freely on our streets. Not only that but if they attack us and injure us, sometimes kill us, it is ok. If we retaliate we are the ones in trouble.

    When is this so called country going to start cleaning up our act. Jamaica is in a very bad state and is getting worse, as the people who can make a difference don't give a damn.

  8. She is not that mentally challenged if she recognized the danger of the gun

    1. A mentally challenged person is not necessarily a stupid person.

  9. Entering into a physical confrontation with a mentally challenged person would be a stupid thing to do.

  10. Before we conclude any sanity of the action by the firearm holder. Please look on the video and saw how the Second Gentleman addressed the situation as he entered the institution. Let us say he too was armed and see the difference . Let’s say the Second Gentleman was unarmed as is 95% of the public. He didn’t need to pull out a weapon. Much of our firearm holders need a gun to establish power. Rather than needing a gun to self protect . He overpowers her in size and could have continued to walk away and the return to his car. His actions were excessive and borderline line illegal as the only excuse being made is related to the sanity of the begged without any life threatening objects. He is a wuss with a gun in hand.

  11. If this person fired and killed such person an alleged woman would be charged for murder.
    The gunman would have to convince a judge that his life was in danger even after trying to take evasive action.At best there would be a case for a lesser charge of manslaughter since Menns Ria would be an uncertainty.To prove murder Menns Ria and Actus Rius have to be proven.Thats my layperson understanding of murder vs Manslaughter.

  12. Foolishness! There was no treat there...just a common street begger.... Now the the real criminals now knows he has a gun, he now put himself in danger un-necessarily. Some persons don't deserve to have a license firearm if thats what it is. IDIOT!

    1. Would you consider that perhaps he the holder of the firearm having just come out of the Atm visable in the video perceived this addict as a part of of a larger plot with other criminals with Stealing his money and firearm in mind.

  13. Im thinking she will demonstrate far less aggression in her quest for Drugs going forward. The second person entering the institution and a great many other Jamaicans who live and work for a living in Newkingston most without being addicted to crack have this Firearm holder to thank for the temporary Break in antics of this constant nuisance to the Area. Many are expressing their disappointment in him not taking more permanent measures.


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