Sunday 13 November 2022

PM and Opposition Leader Must Unite Now To Fight Crime Or We Are Doomed!!!


Prime Minister Andrew Holness

Opposition Leader Mark Golding

I posted a blog on November 12, 2022, about calling the police at 911. I was surprised to  find out that many persons do not know that one can call 911 to get the police emergency response centre. The 911 police emergency number was activated in 2011It is possible that even members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force, are unaware of that persons can call 911 to get the police emergency department. It is clear to me that with the level of crime in Jamaica, it requires a very well coordinated response and approach. We need to educate and to solicit support for the police force in the fight to reduce crime significantly. We also need to give more financial support to the JCF NOW!

All media houses would need to be a part of this national support for the police in the fight against crime. This would be just one of the many steps that need to be implemented to deal with this scourge which is destroying the social fabric of the society.  Jamaica needs 'National Operation Support For The Police' NOW! NOSP

Prime Minister, it is time to lead the way after you have a consensus from the public on this matter. Opposition Party Leader, your role is still to oppose - oppose those who want to oppose this bold move to take Jamaica out of the crippling hands of crime and the crimminals.

We must do it now for Jamaica and the generations to come. Over to you Prime Minister Andrew Holness and Opposition Leader Mark Golding. Let us see the leadership mettle that you are made of.

It would also be interesting to see how many persons who will share and support this blog! If the majority of  Jamaicans are serious that action must be taken, then I have no doubt that action will be taken. Only time will tell.


Join our group to help me lobby our leaders to take decisive action to deal with the high level of crime. Click Here.


  1. I'd say that the majority of Jamaicans will support any united move to cauterize to the tsunami of crime that has gripped our Nation!!

    The only decenters would be the perpetrators themselves. The Nation is waiting on the united effective effort!!

    I thought our Police emergency # was 119! Kindly confirm if it's 119 OR 911 or can either be used?

    God please Help and Bless Jamaica.

    1. 119 is the emergency # for Jamaica however we can call 911 and I can tell you they respond quickly quicker than 119

    2. This is an blatant problem right in hands of our police officers from the top to bottom. Them need to stop taking the bribes to look the other side and stand up with backbones and stop the beer belly. What goes around, comes around. I rest my case!

  2. I think this is very good move 119 is in the States and 911 is in Jamaica I no it although I don’t live in Jamaica.

  3. This notion that both PM and OL must unite for Jamaica to succeed at crime fighting is a fallacy. The onus is with whom has ultimate authority as given by the people.

  4. If the state through the police can find people under their bed hiding to satisfy the ruling class then surely they can set up social programmes and fight crime successfully if they really strategize and remain committed.

  5. *We can Do it*
    No one tells you or will admit that Crime is a most lucrative fast growing industry that the country the world bank says we spend 5% of GDP on that since we playing catch-up with the criminals combine both we may get 10% or more.We cannot afford to shut down crime all together or too many dislocations or dysfunctionalities will occur?.By the way crime is defined universally as any behaviour that attracts a fine or imprisonment which if you apply it makes most Jamaicans criminals.
    The industry has two sectors,the legitimate and the illigitimate both accounts for at least 10% of GDP.
    The legitimate sector is easy to see 11,000 JCF members needing at least 30,0000 to curtail the growth of the illigitimate sector.Again 80,000 security guards,6000 JDF personell,6000 lawyers,Ministries of security and justice,the car industry,the gun and ammunition industries,food and clothing.What a crime plan effectively does is to grow the legitimate c sector playing catch-up with the illigitimate sector.
    Take a look at the illigitimate sector needing lawyers,guns,same as the legitimate sector of the crime industry.There are drug and human traffickers,choppers/scammers earning foreign exchange for the country that ends up in the BOJ coffers being used by all legitimate business and banks in the country.No intellectual in the business of study or political leader is honest with the guts that crime aids the continued functionality of the country.A lot of hypocrisy taking place and everyone is happy with the situation but gives the impression they want to eliminate the illigitimate crime sector that gives a reason to maintain and grow the ligitimate sector.
    The focus is only on murder,rape,robbery and gun crimes is a great error and if we want to tackle crime the little things as well as the big things cannot be ignored.Again,for this anti crime movement to work is not a minister, commissioner and police alone business it has to be an all people business the first thing is education/awareness.A mass movement like Covid-19 so let's go and name it Catch-22 or Catch-63 so named because in the year of our Independence 1962 there were 63 murders can we catch .Today in 2022 we have exceeded 1000 or let's say then Catch-62 because that should be a laudable goal.Like a teacher you you begin with an AIM then OBJECTIVE to determine your METHOD move ahead and constantly EVALUATE or TEST the aforesaid using a HOLISTIC approach all the way.It can be done let's go for it involving all the agencies throughout the country not excluding schools,artistes,
    handcart man transport operators,PSOJ,
    Media, our churches and others.
    I am convinced we can do it begin with a definition of crime, why crime should be eliminated from among us.
    Let's Go people let's Serve and Protect each other as citizens.

    mics 🖋️ pen

  6. All hands r needed on deck to fight crime munster


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