Sunday 13 November 2022

SpotOn On November 14, 2022

Monday, November 14, 2022, my guest for 'Be My Guest' will be Peter Champagnie JP, KC. We will take a look at the judicial, the penal systems along with the security forces, and see to what extent they are assisting us to deal with the challenge of the chronic crime problem facing the nation.

Guest for Talk Yu Talk will be Daniel Johnson - President of the Community Development in Hatfield, Manchester.


Join our group to help me lobby our leaders to take decisive action to deal with the high level of crime. Click Here.


  1. Please could you ask this powerful guest, what can be done that people are for years waiting on their appeal trials only because the transcripts are not ready? My house keepers son is waiting for 6 and 1/2 years in Prison!!!!

  2. 6 and a 1/2 years must be considered an investment ie time served.All the best as these appeals is a pain in the justice system.When you get caught up in it it's nothing short of a disaster.

  3. Looking forward to hear from someone who is a part of the private sector of the fast growing and lucrative ligitimate crime industry.
    By the way Crime is an important socioeconomic and cultural manifestation for a society to be stable.
    In other words Crime is "good" as long as it does not become dysfunctional in that society continues to function.In Jamaica as bad as one may think it is crime is functional and it's business as usual no problem everything "IRIE" mon.

    1. Jamaica so far has done well building a lucrative crime industry with the legitimate side playing catch-up with the illigitimate side.
      Do you think this country could survive if we eliminated all crime today.When it hits home even the Minister of National Security and Justice would demonstrate as placards read "We want work, we want crime" "no justice without crime" "no security without crime" "crime builds countries".If you get rid of crime what do you do with the 80,000 security guards,6000 lawyers, 2000 correctional officers ,11 prisons,
      courthouses and 12,000 JCF plus 6000 JDF personnell and all the Ministries and connected car,ammo,
      ammunition and clothing industries.
      Hypocrisy to say they want to get rid of crime.Ok make my days and get rid of the gunman shifts protocol
      ized by a wide crosection of society.

  4. The fact is Jamaica would collapse without an illigitimate crimeindustry(ICI).Look at the drug trafficking,money laundering,
    unccustomed imports.
    These bring in billions of F/E that ends up at BOJ and other banks helping to finance debt,imports etc.
    Stop the hypocrisy we all benefit from the ICI without which perhaps "dog nyam we supper".
    None of the hypocrites have the guts to quantify the $$$ contribution of the crime to national development,
    stability,GDP and employment etc.Ask the Minister of Finance and others the hard/easy questions Missa Derby.When you confiscate "Ill gotten gains"the country as a whole meaning all of us benefits from crime so in reality "crime is good or bad"???

  5. Is it that you are saying if we totally eliminated crime Jamaica would collapse??

    1. Yours and the readers guess are as good as mine.

  6. Should be informative


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