Sunday 27 November 2022

State of Emergency or Not? Answer The Questionnaire and Make a Difference!

Once again, I am appealing to you to participate in the online poll about the State of Emergency. It is important that I get a significant number of responses by Friday, December 4, 2022. Let us send a strong message to our political leaders. Help me to circulate this online pole to as many persons as possible across the island, and ask them to complete the questionnaire.

Other Readings:


  1. State Of Emergency is total waste of time because people are still getting killed under it. Look how many people murdered in ST James and Westmoreland since this SOE was in place almost 2 weeks ago.
    The government need to lock down the country as a no movement day for at least 3 days just like what they did in covid and do a house to house search with police and soliders with over head and on the ground team providing security back up.

  2. I honestly don't know if it's working or not, but what I realize is people who are not affect by it directly tends to speak against it, and people who are in the heart of it for the most part appreciates it, they feel safe to know security is near by in case I believe they should listen to the people who are in the situation, and stop with the politrix .And I was thinking why not use the ZOZO instead of the S.O.E since there are more concerns with it??

  3. The govt. needs a crime plan- full stop and not SOEs. Read the statements from the JCC and Orville Johnson

  4. The criminals are familiar with State of emergency and knows how to behave when it’s enforced they either move out of the area and wait or they out the time something permanent is required do unannounced house to house search to get the illegal guns

  5. We have to use the SOE since that’s what is available to us!!

  6. I'm uncomfortable with the locking up of poor black men without charging them with any crime. 85 percent of persons detained under the SOE are not charged. That must have a negative effect on them in the long run.


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