Wednesday 23 November 2022

Time Wi Stop Ramp Wid Di Dutty Criminal Dem!!!

Jamaica For Justice (JFJ) is urging the Senate to reject the parliamentary vote for the extension of the state of emergency? This is a shocking position of this human rights organization. JFJ has been a great organization in the past, but it is becoming more like a political party seeking state power, rather than defending the human rights of the people.

I should point out that the people of Jamaica elected the members of parliament. The position of Prime Minister, the position of Leader of the Opposition and Senators are not positions that persons are democratically elected to. How can the JFJ encourage the non-elected to over-rule the elected! What a preposterous position. The JFJ has finally made itself irrelevant, and it is time to have a genuine human rights organization rather than an organization pretending to defend our human rights while at the same time, seeking to undermine the position of the majority of those who were elected to lead us.

I agree that the State of Emergency is an over-worked strategy although it is still necessary. There is the need to put other things in place to deal with the elevated level of crime so when a state of emergency is put in place, the nation realizes that things are serious. Until such time that other measures are put in place, the only tool we seem to have now is the state of emergency. People are being killed like flies, and if that is the only tool we have now, we must use it. 

We cannot stop using the state of emergency as a tool until we start to socially reengineer the society and we build a society where from the Head to the Toe will be held accountable for any action taken and we create a place where most realize that crime does not pay, and when we come into conflict with the law, we will pay dearly for it. Political Parties over the years should have nothing to say now, because they have spent years in power and the problem continues to escalate. We have big Chat but little Effective Action!

I hear there is talk about giving judge’s discretion to determine the length of incarceration for a convicted murderer. Absolute rubbish! If one attempts to murder someone, that person should get a minimum of thirty years. If the person kills someone for the first time, then the least they should get is life sentence. If the convicted person commits murder for a second time, then that person’s life should be taken from them, and all their assets seized and given to the dependents of the murdered persons. Any future benefits such as royalties and assets willed to that person should also automatically go to the dependents of the murdered individual.

It is time wi stop ramp wid di dutty criminal dem!!!

Please add your comments to this blog and share it with all your friends and relatives. We say that the government is not serious about crime, so let us see how serious the people of this country are. Make sure that every Jamaican gets to see this blog and make their comments. Time, we make sure that our voices are heard. Depending on the number of comments I get, this blog will be sent to the Prime Minister, the Leader of the Opposition, and other national leaders.


  1. I agree with most of the points in the article except that the death penally must be given for any murder - 1st or subsequent.

    1. 100% + 10% the death penalty is what 99% of Jamaicans need and it is the only fair and just retribution for murder.
      Giving a couple years for willfully killing people is unjust ,unfair and callous.SOPEs are of little value but the day we begin by executing quickly our favourite murderer singers ,politicians,persons,teachers,journalist then we can take seriously crime fight.So far what is going on has made prisons into PRISHOTELS and corporate offices of (CEOs)Criminal Enterprise Operators.Jamaica has thus turned into a world Class Criminals Paradise.Let me remind that a Crime is any behaviour that attracts a fine or imprisonment so a criminal is one that engages in such behaviour.
      Check out yourself,family and niehbours and aadjust behaviour.The 9000 of 11000 JCF members cannot police nearly 3 million criminals it is us criminals who want a better and more civilized and productive Jamaica have to make the change so we can all win.This is not a SOPE or a law creation orgy to make people feel good.Taking away people's constitutional rights while building the most lucrative and fast growing Crime Industry in the modern world is hypocrisy and the JFJ has a role don't knock them.Injusticeveven to a "Dutty Criminal" is injustice to all law abiding citizens remember the saying "tiday Fi yuh tomorrow Fi mi".Watch out that's how many nasty military dictatorships and police states creep through the backdoor no way.

  2. Totally agree the JFJ must remember the rights of the victims and the rest of society whose lives are torn apart on a daily basis by those they seek to defend. Lets hope they never fall victim to the crime committed by those.

    1. JFJ is not commited to humans. They are in the defense of crime humans do not commit crime

  3. JFJ has now completed their zinc fence....they dont qualify as a garrison but as a rat nest....your thoughts are spon on...the jamaica constitution is not serving the greater good of our people

  4. I am in total agreement with all of what you said, it's time we take the bull by the horn and deal with these dirty criminals.

  5. If they don't get serious wi di duty criminals they won't stop wreck havock, JFJ needs to know them place

  6. Totally agree . Why JFJ don't see it fit to encourage criminal to desist from committing crime and also find a solution to assist help fight this monster crime,they defending over the years?

  7. Let the go siddung and keep quiet..anyday crime knock pan one a dem door..see how dem wi shut up as Flo Oconnor did..SMDH

  8. An Eye for an Eye and a Tooth for a Tooth for the dutty criminals. If hanging is considered to be too barbaric there are other methods to rid the country of the termites.

  9. These comments are debatable. PR is not the answer. If you murder an intruder do you deserve 30 years..what work will lawyers and judges have to do? Time the PM stop shooting off his mouth without proper research and consultation with those who know the law.

    1. If you kill an intruder then you would not be convicted for murder if it was done in self defense.

    2. We shoukd first ask ourselves if our laws have served us well? We should then ask who crafted these laws? Who are responsible for upholding these laws? Who are responsible for our ineffective justice system. Certainly not the uneducated nor those who did not study law cannot be blamed for the mess we find ourselves in.

  10. I agree 100% JFJ is now redundant. Them must shut up.

  11. Most Human Rights Organizations are Pro Criminal and do not care about the rights of the victims and their families

  12. JFJ members should be jailed for violating the rights of Jamaicans

  13. Why would one you support a that will cause the failure of your interest. The aim of an opposition is to remove the party in power. I have heard it said 'by all means. With this government having the country progressing the way it is, what can we do to displace them .


  14. Every thing you say I Agree so true


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