Tuesday 29 November 2022

Waste Man Attacks Media Worker

TVJ Photograph

According to a news report today, this waste man, this non-entity, this nincompoop who has nothing better to do, attacked a TVJ camera man while the journalist was covering a story at Homestead Primary, in St. Catherine. This attacker should live in a country where he would be taken to court immediately, tried the same day, given a few strokes of the cat-o-nine in public, and sent on his merry way. I guarantee he would never do it again if he lived in such a country. 

We must start to build a nation where persons realize that certain types of conduct will not be tolerated. This nation is fast developing into a place where anarchy rules and decent people must hold their corner.

That man's name must be known, and his picture circulated for all to know him. He should be made to pay for the damage to the media house equipment, and to pay for any inconvenience and extra cost the company incurred in getting its story out. He should be made to compensate the worker for any physical and mental anguish suffered.

This is what happens to a nation which glamourizes dutty behaviour and treat the bhuttos among us as if they are dignitaries. The nastiness which like a cancer, has taken over the dancehall culture should be blamed for setting this tone in the nation. The failure of our leaders to set the right tone has resulted in this situation. The rest of us have kept quiet while this nastiness rules, and we will continue to pay dearly for it.

Media houses might have to provide security for their news staff who are on assignment in the future, or ensure that staff can protect themselves! What a life, what a country! This is indeed a State of Emergency!

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  1. We need some serious laws to deal with dunce like there

  2. Tvj in its continued wimpish way blurred his image on the newscast....could be for identification later....hope the journalist will hit him where it hurts with cost

  3. It's the Homestead primary School again as the media follows up on the stone throwing incident by an 8 year old male student.
    Some asked why the teacher looked so timid.
    Under the code of teachers conduct
    no teacher should come into physical contact with a student full st🛑p.A teacher does so at their own risk.In that area only the Don can give a "good ass whopping and no problem"
    Socialization family,community,social media,county all have a overiding influence on the accepted way of life on its children who will grow up to be parents themselves.In our time it would be a fist fight now the missiles can range from bottles,stones to gunshots.The influence of the school is minimal appr 4 hrs or less out of a 24 hr day then back to the reality of community
    Homestead is not fun and games at times it can be a jungle out there. One Order,Clansman or Bed Bugs rule lots of murders and shootings this month alone.The Don is in prison so the fight for supremacy among rivals is on in earnest.Only the Don can prohibit such behaviour if the Don is weak or absent all hell breaks loose.If that was Tivoli that little boy would think twice to behave like that.Thats the reality in those places it's a jungle out there.
    Regardless of the opposition to such ideas "Ethical Dons" have a place since crime will always be and a essential phenomena in all societies for the maintainance of stability and growth.Crime is functional ie "good" as long as it is not dysfunctional ie totally disrupts society.Jamaica is not near dysfunctional crime just needs to be sanitized having coded of conduct and ethical behaviour.
    Crime being any behaviour that attracts a fine or imprisonment.
    That little boy was acting criminally,he like others in class see the shootings,the guns,the deaths and should be punished by the school to send the correct retributory message to others.He aspires I am sure to get his own gun can you imagine the mayhem at school.This what we see he should not get away with simply being a social media movie star perhaps getting the name "RockStone" or "RockStar" as of today. I wonder if he can read if he cannot that's the first order of rehabilation.

  4. Omg that man crazy


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