Thursday 8 December 2022

Caught Red Handed - Matildas Police Officers No Ramp!

I just got a video showing that police caught the culprit who was stealing FLOW cables. The man removed a significant amount of the fibre optic cable, and this has left homes without Internet and telephone services near to the Matildas Police station in Kingston. 

I believe that persons who tamper with certain important national infrastructures, should be given a life sentence in prison. That is one way of removing the criminals from the system.

Thanks to all the alert officers of the Matildas Corner Police Station.

Who owns this truck?

FLOW might need to raise our bills in order to pay for this

He's caught!!!


  1. I agree 100%, thieves like those should be put away for the rest of their life

  2. Omg...thank God he is caught, ol teef

  3. Congratulations to the hard working policemen and women. That man should spend his Christmas behind bars and the truck taken away and sold. The money from the sale should be donated to the police station.

  4. Problem is this guy is most likely just the fall guy. The real boss still out there. The Police should have keep watch on him and trailed him to his destination. But dem mus know still. Him one coulda do all dat by himself?

  5. Yes! Good work police. Whey him a go say now. Caught in the act. Thanks mr Vernon for keeping us up to date.

  6. Great they caught one good

  7. Congrats to the police.
    They need to ascertain to whom he was going to sell the cable and charge that person. We need to focus more on the behind the scene criminals

  8. Big and serious, I dont know how a charge of simple larceny could be given to person's who disrupt systems of national importance. 🤔 They are terrorists and should be treated as such. These lunatics should be given life in prison without the possibility of parole. Disruptive actions like these cause major inconvenience in many regards.

  9. Make sure he gets locked up in a cut-stone prison. That way he will be there for a long time as he won't be able to sell the prison.

  10. Me again.
    Simple larceny is when a person breaks into your house or private property and steal items that are for one's personal benifit. To remove the Telecoms cables is not simple by any stretch of the imagination. This should be a charge of state terrorism, attracting up to life sentences at hard labour so that the perpetrator can work to pay for the damages. Actions like these cause major disruptions to a wide range of businesses and residents.

  11. Bwoy I'm telling yuh , why ?? No man!, What they gonna do with him now that he's caught, because I believe when you're caught red handed doing anything you should be punished instantly, no judge , no jurors,just straight prison don't waste tax payers money taking him before the judge.


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