Sunday 25 December 2022

Not Able To Visit Friends At The Hotels! - A Supporter Writes

Hi Vernon hope all is well. I don't know what is becoming or what has become of the tourist sector in this country especially for us Jamaicans. Friends and families who visit and decide to stay in hotels are not having a good experience when we have to visit their hotel to see them. First thing you are told you cannot visit to see them or you could visit but you have to purchase a day pass ( this is generally around $70us per person). 

My grand daughter and her mom cane for a short visit to attend a wedding. For convenience everyone stayed at this hotel. I drove some distance to see them only to be told that visiting hours has passed. My question to the security guard was 'is this a hospital? Whilst i understand the need to restrict some people from the premises, surely visiting families should not be part of this. These all inclusive hotels whilst it serves the purpose for some people it causes some distress to many more. I hope the hotels will remember that some of us are from time to time guests as well. Those that make it difficult will certainly not be getting my patronage anytime soon. I hope others who have had similar  experiences will write to you so we can see how wide spread this is. I only write because this has happened a few times and others have relayed.

Editors Note:

If you have add similar experience then send me a WhatsApp message to (876) 816-5261. Minister Edmund Bartlett, can you respond to this complaint?


  1. This is true for all hotels I've stayed at in St. Ann and MoBay. Three years ago, my Mom was here (in MoVay) for her 92nd birthday and all relatives who came from Hanover to get a glimpse of her couldn't even stand at the (barrier) entrance

    1. Residents are issued arm-bands so, earmarking a space for visitor's (with cameras) issuing a visitor's badge, limiting the number of persons and scheduling specific hours could be used to contain visitors at these resorts.

  2. Why would you want to go to a private property without invitation? Visitors can leave the premises to visit relatives if they really want to see them. When some people in Jamaica go to visit they bring all up sundry. One should pay to go into any all inclusive because the food and drinks are not free to all if you are NOT a guest.


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