Monday 5 December 2022

Rural Town of Spalding Under Attack By Gunmen!!!

Rural Town of Spalding under attack by gunmen.

Gunmen struck again in Spalding, Clarendon, on Sunday, December 4, 2022. This time it was at My Friends Supermarket. These guys don't care and probably it is time the society treat them the same way they treat the society. Until we get the long term measures to deal with crime, it is clear that there is a urgent need to eliminate these guys now or else the new year is just around the corner when they will probably wipe out another 1500 or more of us nest.

Business persons in that area need to come up with a plan to protect their customers their business and themselves. I have ideas can share so why not send me a WhatsApp message to 876 816-5261. If your are going to wait on the government and the police to do it then I wonder if I will see some of you next year.

Try to identify these men who could be your killers next time. It is time that Jamaicans rise up against criminals and evil people in this country.


  1. Oh my god thing getting out of hand

  2. So the little girl was sent outside to be a look out? Smh. We need to take back our country from these criminals because we cannot continue to live like this.

  3. What difference does it make if they can be identified. If arrested they will get bail and be on the streets wreaking havoc. Then if they go to prison all they have to do is plead guilty and probably get a couple of years. Why don't we just admit it, Jamaica is doomed. Nobody cares about the people of this country. We don't even care about each other. We have gotten so selfish and lickie lickie that money is more important than lives. We are a sad sad nation.


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