Saturday 10 December 2022

Shocking Music Played on Radio Today!

Cordell Green
Broadcasting Commission Head

Jamaicans are shocked that Brazil is out of World Cup 2022, and some are even more shocked that an African country, Morocco has now moved on to the semi-finals. Today I am going to share something with you which will shock you more than anything which has shocked you during this World Cup. A supporter of my blog Bark Di Trute and my radio programme SpotOn, sent a recording he did of a song being played on a radio station at 1300 EST today. Head of the Broadcasting Commission Cordell Green might have a heart attack when he hears this. Mr. Prime Minister things are falling apart. Time to pull up every sector or else we are doomed.

Click HERE and listen to the music.

Listen to another one.

Please share this blog with as many persons as possible and show your support for this type of music not to be played on radio for our children to hear. Add your comments. It is time the people of this country stand up for something or we will fall for anything. Now you understand why our country is deteriorating by the day.


Send your voice mails and messages to (876) 816-5261. If you care for the children of Jamaica, show you care by adding your comments and sharing this blog. 


  1. I can't believe 😪 what 😳 I just heard

    1. I wonder how many persons will take the information shared in this blog seriously and will share it. After this blog is shared, I wonder how many will stand up and say that this must not happen and action must be taken to deal with this matter.

  2. I thought the rules were always there, so why are they not being enforced? What is the Broadcasting Commission doing? There has been such a decline, such a decline in this area of our society. Do we need to get a new head and team at the Broadcasting Commission? We overlook these things until they affect our society so badly then we ask, "when and how did we get here?"
    If this isnt a wake up call for the Commission then we need a new team of people who care about their roles and about the direction of our country

  3. Dear All, as I indicated to Vernon, BCJ is a quasi-judicial body. We investigate all complaints (as is well known). I am making enquiries as to which 'radio station'. They all use 'Call Signs' and broadcast on assigned channels unless we are dealing with unregulated radio stations (e.g. Internet station or a pirate station). I am not sure what is meant by 'wake up call' but in the event it is believed this job is easy or that BCJ is asleep, I invite you to read our Quarterly Reports and Annual Reports at These matters are certainly not treated lightly but the facts must first be established. Please be assured we are on it.

    1. Sorry all, I did not mean to post anonymously.

  4. This is to confirm that the Broadcasting Commission's Head, Mr. Cordel Green, reached out to me this morning before I was able to make a report to him personally. Details of the report were not put in the blog because this was a report given to me by someone. and I was not able to verify the story. However, the story came from a credible source. The good thing is that Mr. Green is not like other heads who don't reach out to find out what is happening. Note that he did not wait until he arrived at his desk on Monday morning to deal with the matter! He made contact on Sunday morning, December 11, 2022. He is what you call a public servant who does not watch the clock.

    I am still hoping that this music was being played on an illegal station using the frequency of another radio station. That would be another issue.

  5. Contact was made with the radio station where it is alleged that the music was being played. The song was not recorded on the station's log. I believe that it is possibly that someone in the area was transmitting a signal on a frequency used by a radio station. This would be illegal.

    Please share this post to persons in Arcadia because they might be aware of this challenge.

  6. I am now learning that it is possible that with the technology now available, it is possible that the music was being played in another car and the signal was picked up by the complainant's car radio. (Sigh) The technology....amazing!

  7. It has been brought to my attention that due to the name of the sound files on this blog, persons listening to the music might associate the alleged broadcast to a radio station. Let me apologize for any confusion this might have caused. Note that the listener's only intention was to carry out a civic duty. Thanks.

  8. It's a pity all these checks were not done before the station was named or even a discussion with the stations management, before publicly embarrassing the station. Vernon Derby, your approach to being a blogger is careless

    1. Blessings. Vernon was not careless. The fact it was aired over a particular radio station was Vernon's duty to bring it to light. It's the radio station to carry out investigations to clear their name. We need more VERNON

  9. Rediphoto, which station has been embarrassed? Which station was named? I am not an investigator my friend. Someone made a report and the matter is being investigated. I wish I could get support for the thousands I have been assisting but some of us are quick to have empathy for a station which was not named publicly. My friend you need to be a bit more careful. I have had to deal with up to 5000 complaints a year and I do it alone. Are you willing to assist me?

  10. Lawman, thanks for your support. I hope you understand why the informer fi dead culture is alive and well. Anyone who calls me directly, or anyone who puts out disparaging statements about me in relation to this matter, which they have. YOU are actually interfering with the investigations and these actions should be seen as intimidating a person who has information to share. What a country, what a life!

  11. Please recall that a blogger from Clarendon was murdered earlier this year, and it was alleged that this happened because he spoke out about certain things happening in the area. We will all die one day, and one thing for sure is that if I die because of my work, I cannot regret it.

    1. Vernon continue to be an advocate for truth and peace. Once you are doing something positive you will create enemies daily. There is a line in a poem which says " You have no enemies you say, alas my friend the boast is poor you have never encountered what the brave endure." Once yu a do something ppl a go chat. Let dem talk if dem talking.


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