Tuesday 31 January 2023

Act Decisively Against Criminals Now!

I just got news that a man was shot near Skibo Avenue in Kingston this evening. It is clear to me that the killing will not stop until we find a way of removing all of these mad dogs from our society. They commit all the human wrongs and yet when they are convicted, they fight so hard for their human rights.

Notice those shot marks on the car windscreen in the picture. This seem to be the work of a  professional! The people and the state, cannot continue to lose this war against criminals.

The solutions:

  1. Form a Reserve Police Force to assist the regular constabulary force.
  2. Those who take a life should lose their life and all their assets should go to the immediate family of the murdered person.
  3. Government must have biometric information on all criminals. which will assist in investigations if it is suspected that the offender has committed a second offence.
  4. Anyone who has committed a violent crime should get life sentence and also lashes.
  5. Where persons have a disagreement and it is suspected that it may escalate, then a report should be made and the dispute recorded in a computerized system using their NIDS (National Identification System). Social workers should assist in dealing with the dispute.
  6. Minors who commit certain crimes such as shooting or murdering someone, should be treated like an adult criminal.
  7. Anyone who commits a serious offence should be given hard labour, and made to live at home. A social worker should be assigned to this offender. The offender should get also a suspended prison term of at least 10 years. If the offender commits another offence then that offender should serve the 10 years and any additional years given for the latest offence.
  8. All prisoners should work and pay for all their expenses. Work shall involve the maintenance of our roads and preparing lands for farming for example..
  9. Anyone who escapes from prison will get an additional 15 years and also lashes.
  10. We should use the ticket systems for dealing with all petty crimes and free up our courts to deal with crimes being committed by gangs and other hardcore criminals.

It is time we stop romp with these criminals. Give them more time and they will get rid of all of us. Share this blog, add your comments and let us pressure our leaders to take strong and decisive actions against these scums. Help to make this blog viral if you are concerned about the high level of crime in Jamaica.


  1. Yes, these criminals should be made to work to pay for their living expenses as well as contributing to the living expenses of those they have incapacitated as well as their dependents.
    They must understand that individually and collectively we want a peaceful society to live, work, and raise our families.

  2. It costs Ja$1.3 million to keep a criminal already so why propose to add more costlymisery to the victims families and society by spending multiples of $1.3million on these people.I am a firm advocate of executions for guilty murderers in the shortest possible time.Thats the fairest deterent feared by some murderers.The message must be sent in clear and unambiguous terms.
    Murderers must be executed forthwith and the more prominent the murderer the greater the certainty would be and not to mention the economies saving of that $1.3million per year nowhere near to the much less minimum wages of Jamaica.

    1. Why do we have to pressure our leaders. These are really good ways of deterring the criminals. The opposition should help to minimize crime and not try to escalate it to gain political points.
      Sensible people must think that the opposition leader is a fool. Get the facts before you speak and find meaningful ways to help solve crime. Thank you Mr. Darbey

    2. Condolences to the young man's family and loved ones.

  3. Very creative punishments - I definitely agree with labour which is an important part of rehabilitation and helps offset expense -
    although i didn't expect we would go back to killing and whipping as in slavery days.
    Problem is that before punishment must come the solving of the crime - properly identifying suspects, gathering evidence, charging, court and conviction.
    But most crimes are not even being investigated, and no one is being held accountable for imvestigating or not investigating. Criminals are emboldened by the very low likelihood of getting caught. No crime is minor - that's how it starts.

  4. Note that criminals would have to work and pay for their expenses while serving prison time.

    1. Vernon I agree with all your suggestions. Edpecially the execution of murderers. God says that murders should be summarily executed, we the smart educated people, who incidentally are smarter than God, say the murderer should stay in prison and grow fat at the expense of my tax dollar. We nred a referrendum on this ecevution thing.

  5. The first and simple but very effective intervention is to adopt one of the many excellent policing software solutions. This ensures centralized information is on hand immediately to help solve crimes. It also eliminates the big book (aka bottomless pit) where reported crimes languish forever. Qith the software, as soon as a report is made, it's in the system as a reported crime that cannot be ignored as it won't go away. Further more it is immediately assigned as someone's responsibility to solved and cannot just be ignored. Uninvestigated crimes may come up to haunt the officer when it is time for promotion.

  6. vernon..these ideas sound familiar.. a long time u a advocate for these things

  7. they should used to clean up all cemetery in the country as well

  8. 100% on target. Few items missing. Execution for illegal gun dealers. Time limit on the duration of trial - 1 year. Execution within 6 months of conviction. Managed Corporal punishment - must be a standard starting with repeated littering. Stringent punishment for corruption.

  9. When found guilty swift punishment should be the order of the day.

  10. These criminal feel like a them run things if hanging don't start we will continue to have these animals going around and killing people as long as you know is this person do the ack and if is someone pay that person to do the killing then get rid of both of them

  11. Gm this is very sad u are so scared to come to visit because of what is going on. They need to bring back hanging.

  12. I totally agree with all the recommendations. I think the gov should take a good look at these recommendation and enact most of them.

    1. Well said Vernon. Your suggestions/recommendationsshould reach the Justice Minister

  13. Good suggestions. The government needs to give crime fighting the same energy and effort as it gave to COVID 19. The punishment must be fair and just. Jamaica's biggest asset against crime is the people. The problem is that there is a culture of crime and corruption. The people are not fed up yet. Children imitate and glorify criminals and crime. This has to change. The government has to act quickly and decisively against the criminals who are emboldened by inaction and lack of concern among those whose job it is to ensure we all live in a safe country. Do not do it for tourism dollars but for the citizens who call Jamaica home.

  14. Some of your ideas are good ones, but this reserve police force requires further clarification! The district constables and the soldiers on the streets are just that!
    What is needed is further training for the current force in investigate techniques and proper evidence and forensic gathering at crime scenes. How to write reports and present them in a timely manner to the DPP! An effective oversight body to detect and punish corrupt officers and instill professional attitude in their chosen career.

  15. All these positive, straightforward suggestions have been hounding social media over the years by myself and others. We have to wonder if some people in Authority want all these atrocities to continue ? A lot of things need straighten out that is being ignored ,classism and moneyism the order of the day.

  16. This is the most hate'filled, unintelligent, unreasonable and unreasoned set of ideas. Perhaps you should begin with a sense of self-love. Your internalized self hatred is shining through. None of these idiotic, knee jerk "suggestions" will impact on crime. Especially when you as a Jamaican knows that the people bringing in the guns and in many cases ordering and/or facilitating the violence in the country are it's politicians and so-called business people. Why would any intelligent individual have a problem with human rights advocacy? Are you so dense that you do not know the difference between human rights advocacy and defending criminals and criminal behaviors? With the limited intelligence and almost universal lack of impulse control by Jamaican law enforcers who in their right minds trusts them with biometric information. Properly educate yourself anf stop an advocating for the extrajudicial homicidal power you are surreptitiously advocating here. Perhaps you and the evil politicians advocating for more power to end human lives should be the first volunteers to test the system to make sure it works. You want to trust people who cannot protect the children they are mandated to protect or properly maintain police stations or repair our roads with the ultimate power over its citizens? That is truly idiotic and the position of a self-hating fool. But I expect nothing less from a Black man who thinks it's a badge of honor to have the mark of a white rapist's DNA exhibited in his phenotype.

    1. kmdt, which of the gangs you belong to,,, klansman ???,, well tell judge Sykes we're watching him, we need drastic measures NOW

  17. I wonder who this person is trying to bully....not me for sure!!! You are wasting your time. I am not a delicate object. Comment on the issues and stop engaging in a tracing war. Oh yes I make no bones about it. I hate criminals with a passion. Talking about white man? You certainly know how to use and manipulate the language of the white man in an effort to obfuscate the issues.

    1. Comment is on the issues. Your unthinking reaction is not. You hate criminals? Really? Don't you engage with unindicted criminal politicians daily? Please educate yourself. Your ignorance is palpable and digging in to the ignorance is highly unflattering.

    2. omg, too much education is a lot of jamaicans downfall, they speak with so much 💩 coming from their mouth

  18. Agree. When those up top start to feel the pressure then and only then will they take serious measures


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