Monday 2 January 2023

Life Lost Over JAD100 or USD0.66!

The New Year has started, the killings continue and the accidents on our roads continue. I understand that two farmers in Mavis Bank, St. Andrew were gambling, and they had a dispute over JAD100 or USD.66. They were subsequently parted and next morning there was a confrontation again over the same JAD100. This ended with one farmer being killed and the other being admitted to the hospital.

One of my informants has told me that the dispute was between an uncle and a nephew. It is clear that something is wrong with our people, and we need to fix it. We really must look at how we are socializing our people. It is unbelievable that one man is dead because of JAD100. It will now cost the taxpayers far more. It seems as if taxpayers are the criminals. The cost of the presiding judge and all other costs related to the trial, the cost of the investigating officers, transportation for the injured and the accused, medical attention, plus living expenses for the accused.

Crime is costing you and I while the criminals go scot-free. What a life, what a country.


  1. This incident as well as many others are due to poor socialization in the settling of disputes in the formative years of life. There is no end to this kind of irrational behavior because people believe that no body going to diss then and get away with it.

  2. There can never be a CRIME PLAN for how people deside to turn idiots and can't resolve issues amicably. This is much bigger than policing.

  3. Corporal punishment in childhood (not child abuse) OR Capital punishment in adulthood?- you decide!

  4. We need a new socio-political culture that engenders respect for life and property and discourages disorder. Example, how can one be allowed to buy a motor bike and drive around with exhaust as loud as a helicopter; without protective gear; drive anyhow, anywhere; install any number of colourful lights etc. In many cases unlicnsed and unisured!!

  5. Oh no....something is wrong with the people in this world


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