Tuesday 17 January 2023

SpotOn - Tuesday January 17, 2023

Pauline Lovindeer

My guest for Talk Yu Talk on Tuesday, January 17, 2023 will be Pauline Lovindeer. She is Honorary Board Director of the Jamaica Down's Syndrome Foundation. She will be talking about Down's Syndrome and also about a function coming up.

Dr. Llewellyn Johnson will join us for Your Health Your Wealth, Trevor Samuels for Consumer Talk and Carol Boath for the Business Hub.

Trevor Samuels - National Consumers League

Dr. Llewellyn Johnson

Carol Boath


  1. Should be informative😁

  2. We hear these people all the time on radio, your method of sharing help us to put a face to a name. Thanks for sharing and will tune in to get the information. Thanks

  3. This sounds informative

  4. GM Vernon. Pls also mention this person who is getting JPS bills for a section of her house she is renovating but has not yet installed a meter. Yes..believe it or not. She got a bill for $35K with a threat to disconnect. There is nothing to disconnect as she has not installed any electrical things over that side of the house and she gets a separate bill for the side she already lives on. Have you ever heard of this one. So when u r discussing with Carol Boeth pls mention this new one. Crazy thiefing JPS.

  5. Greetings Vernon... Can you find out for Jamaicans if JPS still get a Guaranteed profit? When the contract was signed years ago the got a guaranteed 17.5% profit on their expenses. The JLP said they would change it. Since then the JPS has changed hands twice. Each time they sold for massive profit. Are the People of Jamaica still paying a guaranteed profit? And how much?


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