Wednesday 11 January 2023

What's Happening - Wednesday 11, 2023

The main road from Spalding in Clarendon to Cave Valley is a treacherous one. There is a sink hole in the road, and apparently the authorities are unable to afford to put up a warning sign stating, Dangerous Sink Hole Ahead. Have a look at the picture below and see how citizens have put up their own locally produced sign.

I wonder who is the MP and also who is the Parish Councillor?

Cave Valley Sink Hole
Picture courtesy of Mr. Richard Azan

What is happening here at the intersection of Greenwich and Maxfield Avenue. There is a pile of dirt right under the stop light which is affecting the movement of motor vehicles.

Living on the sidewalk

From The Pen of Michael Spence:

No Fools, No gold 

In Chester Castle Hanover what they found was Pyrite that can be used to create iron sulfate that is used to make nutritional supplements, ink, lawn conditioner, water treatment, moss killer, and many other chemical processes. Iron sulfate which comes from pyrite is used to treat iron-deficiency anemia.

This is fool's gold. We are too far gone people desperately thought they were about to become wealthy making a change in their humble circumstances.

Were they fools to buy into thinking Pyrite was gold? Is there enough pyrite on the property to make for economic viability. This was a lesson in minerals that a generation has now learned.

Pyrite is it's name no fools no gold.

Mics 🖊️ pen


1 comment:

  1. These people are in fact local prospectors who have in fact found a mineral Pyrite not as valued as gold but nevertheless has value.Prospectors found no gold are really not fools either.


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