Monday 13 February 2023

Dr. Nadeen Spence and Others for SpotOn on Riddim FM

Dr. Nadeen Spence

Dr. Nadeen Spence is responsible for more that 250 ladies at Mary Seacole Hall, the only all-female hall of residence for students at the University of West Indies (UWI), Mona campus, in Kingston. She is the Student Services and Development Manager. During Talk Yu Talk on SpotOn, she will talk about gender challenges and her work with the women at the UWI. She will also share some proposals on how to deal with gender issues.  SpotOn is aired on Riddim FM, Monday to Friday from 1000 to 1300 hours EST. on Riddim FM.

Dr. Spence is an educator, with a deep interest in women's leadership and empowerment. She has distinguished herself as a respected voice on numerous social, cultural and political issues. She defines herself as a scholar and activist committed to the cause of equality, equity, justice and fairness.

Trevor Samuels
National Consumers League

Mr. Trevor Samuels will in his usual inimitable style, share some valuable tips with consumers. He is a member of the executive of the National Consumers League. The National Consumers League needs your support.

Dr. Llewelyn Johnson

Dr. Llewelyn Johnson a medical doctor who practices in the cool hills of Manchester, and he enjoys sharing information with the people of Jamaica. He has passionate interest in helping persons to take care of their health. Remember that if you have health matters you want to be dealt with, then send a WhatsApp message to (876) 816-5261. Join him during Your Health Your Wealth.

Paul Patmore

Paul Patmore will join me for The Business Hub, and he will tell us about doing business  in areas such as Christiana in Manchester and Lowe River in Trelawny.


If you are a member of the executive of a citizens association, then WhatsApp me your contact information to (876) 816-5261


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