Tuesday 21 February 2023

Help Me to Find This Satan!!!!

We need to find out who is this adult abusing this child as shown in the video below. I cannot recall anything upsetting me so much. Social media is the only place that we can share these things so it reaches as many persons as possible in the world. Please share this blog NOW. If you recognize the location and/or the adult, please send me a WhatsApp message to (876) 816-5261. Let's work together to find this satan!!!


  1. My God what this baby could do for this animal to be doing the child like this and nobody goes to the baby rescue what the hell is going on that child never beg to come here

    1. I pray that he is caught but the person who made the video should be arrested to.

  2. Mental illness perhaps?

  3. In any case this is madness

  4. Who is recording this brutally, that person should be arrested as well.

  5. Mind is a Tik Tok - too many onlookers doing nothing

  6. OMG what a a wickedness. He is worse than an animal because animals take care of their young. Abused is too mild a word to describe this! 😠

  7. The person who made the video has enabled us to observe the cruelty and be able to join the effort to locate the offender. God bless smart phones and God bless social media.


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