Tuesday 14 March 2023

Commissioner Stewart Beckford for SpotOn - Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Commissioner Stewart Beckford

My special guest for SpotOn on Riddim FM, Tuesday, March 14, 2023, will be Commissioner Stewart Beckford, the head of the Jamaica Fire Brigade Service. He will join me from 1130 to 1200 EST. SpotOn is aired on Riddim FM, Monday to Friday from 1000 to 1300 hours EST.

Commissioner Stewart Beckford, is the 6th Commissioner of the Jamaica Fire Brigade, and he is a 33 year veteran having joined the service in 1990. His education includes a Bachelor's of Laws and a Bachelor's of Arts in History.  He received Fire Department International Operational Command training at the Fire Service College, England and Fire Officer training from Hartford Fire Academy, USA.

Transport Authority will be on with their feature, We Drive For You and that will be at 1220 hours.

Dr. Llewellyn Johnson

Mr. Trevor Samuels
National Consumer's League

Our other guests will be Dr Llewellyn Johnson for Your Health Your Wealth and Mr. Trevor Samuels for Consumer Talk. Dr. Llewellyn Johnson has his private medical practice in Mandeville. Mr. Samuels is an executive member of the National Consumer's League.

Wilbourn Carr, the Portland Environmental Action Spokesman will join me for Talk Yu You.


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  1. Wow thars great👹

  2. I wonder if the head of the fire department and most of the other heads of departments collaborate with the government of Jamaican to try and fix some of these problems are holding us hostage in our beautiful country 🤔

  3. Is your program recorded. I would love to listen to some of your guests but impossible at work. Especially to hear what the consumer league has to say. Will try to tune in


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