Saturday 18 March 2023

More What's Happening - March 18, 2021

Car Caught Fire on Hilcrest Avenue

Burning car on Hilcrest Avenue

A car caught fire on Hilcrest Avenue this afternoon. I was unable to ascertain if anyone was injured or died in the blaze. Thanks to those who sent me the information.

Lady Suffering From Dementia - Light at the End of the Tunnel

Thanks to Councillor Vernon McLeod, Deputy Mayor Winston Ennis (Both of the KSAMC, and all my supporters who I cannot name. These persons offered to assist the elderly lady in Kingston who is suffering from dementia and who was locked up in a house. I understand that she has not changed her clothes for months. This is a well known lady in the community who did very well for herself before she became ill. I received a report that persons from the KSAMC will make a visit to the house and they will take her to a place where she will be taken care of.

There tenant who is now living at this lady's house and who is behaving as if he owns the lady needs to plans in place. He needs to find somewhere to go. He had a plan, but his plan is obviously tumbling over. 

Let's hope that there is a standard policy to deal with the elderly who are unable to take care of themselves, especially when they have no close relatives to assist them. It is also very important that there are procedures in place to deal with their assets, because there are quite a few of those birds who fly high up, who are just waiting on the right time to pounce.

Reverse Mortgage

Reverse mortgage is something that persons who have assets such as a house can benefit from. If you are not working, have cash flow problems and you still want to live a reasonable good life, then you could benefit from a reverse mortgage.

This is something that the NHT could initiate. This is how the system would work - if for example you have a house valued at say JAD40,000,000, the NHT would make an arrangement where it pays you a fixed monthly sum for the expected duration of your life. The total sum paid would be the expected future value of the monthly amounts paid which should not exceed the cost of the house.

What reverse mortgage does, is to allow the elderly to convert their home equity into cash. When the home owner dies the lender takes possession of the house.


I have 10 tickets to give away on SpotOn this week, to some talented Jamaicans to see the play Anancy & Pinocchio. Send me a hilarious video by WhatsApp that you have made using your camera to (876} 816-5261. The video should be no longer that three minutes and not shorter than 1 minute. This could be a video of a skit, someone doing a comedy routine, or a short story narrated by someone. The top videos will be posted on Bark Di Trute, and will be circulated to persons who could possibly give you a break in the entertainment world.

Click HERE to listen to The Law and You as Vernon Derby converses with The People's Lawyer, Wendell Wilkins.

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