Tuesday 7 March 2023

Dr. Devon Taylor Special Guest For SpotOn also Elderly Lady Locked up in House

Dr. Devon Taylor

During SpotOn on March 8, 2023, we will hear from Dr. Devon K. Taylor about the concerns of his organization JABBEM about the closure of the Blue Lagoon in Portland. He will join me during Talk Yu Talk. SpotOn is aired on Riddim FM Monday through to Friday, from 1000 to 1300 hours EST.

Wendell Wilkins
The People's Lawyer

Wendel Wilkins the People's Lawyer, will join us for The Law and You. Wendel has done a tremendous job educating listeners about the law and explaining to them what their rights are. I have named him the People's Lawyer and I will add that he is also the People's Law Lecturer on radio. Feel free to send me a WhatsApp message to (876) 816-5261 if you want to ask him a question or if you want to make contact with him.

Andre Monteith
IT Professional

Andre Monteith joins me each week to share information about information technology matters. Whether you are a newbie or you are an experienced computer user, you will find his talks very interesting and informative. If you have questions to ask him, then send me a WhatsApp message to (876) 816-5261.

Elderly Lady Suffering From Dementia Left To Suffer!!!

I got a report this week about a lady living in Kingston, who I understand was an active member within her community and has served her country very well, but she is now suffering from dementia. She has been locked up in her house for the longest while and persons who have access to the place are dissuading her friends from visiting her. It seems that persons have a plan for her and the house, because she has a mental challenge. Some of us are like the birds that fly high up, just waiting for the right moment to pounce!

I am calling on the government to put things in place so that the state can take responsibility for this lady and ensure that she gets proper care. Her assets can take care of any assistants given to her. She is not the only elderly person in Jamaica who is in that terrible situation, and persons like that have no voice. Our government has a responsibility to assist those who are unable to assist themselves. Thanks to Councillor Vernon McLeod who has sent someone to check on the lady. The person who Mr. McLeod sent, was not able to see the lady. It is my opinion that the way the lady is being treated, a crime is being committed. She is locked up in the house by herself I am told, and she is unable to do certain things for herself. Oh yes, the birds that fly high up are just waiting for the right time!



Anonymous said...

Ok hope to listen👹

Anonymous said...

The state needs to move in in such situations where the elderly are being mistreated. There are always vultures flying overhead. She is a Jamaican citizen and a human being. HELP her, please!

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