Thursday 16 March 2023

SpotOn With News!

 Mr. Hunter, What is Happening to our Roads?

E. G. Hunter
Head of NWA

Mr. E. G. Hunter, the head of the NWA - Sir, can you tell us, why after an area on Paddington Terrace was fixed, there was a sprinkling of rain today, and this is what the road looks like now. Apparently a meteor fell there!

Can readers figure out why this happened to the road as shown in the video above? Please do not blame it on the rains. Can someone tell me when this area was fixed, because from the look of it, it seems as if it was fixed a few days ago.

Will someone be held accountable for this? Will someone be told to pack their bags and go, or Mr. Stephen Shaw will be appearing on TV with his trade mark style beard to obfuscate us all with his knowledge of the English language? He looks so charming - a twinkle always in his eyes, ready to give you a few technical jargon from the engineers - he is sure to impress us all?

What do you think?


SpotOn is on, this Friday, March 17, 2023. You can listen to the programme on Riddim FM on the FM band at 102.1, 102.3,  102.5, 102.7, and 102.9. You can also listen on the INTERNET.

Patricia Reid-Waugh JP, will join me on SpotOn during The Work Place. She is the author of two books, ‘Retirement, A New Adventure’ and ‘Retirement: The Journey and The Destination – A Planning Guide.’ 

She’s a Retired Chartered Accountant, who now spends her time serving as a Retirement Coach, making  presentations at Retirement Seminars and Workshops to encourage persons to start planning early for retirement and to stay active when they get there. 

Gabrielle Gilpin Hudson
Lawyer and Realtor

Gabrielle Gilpin Hudson will be my guest for Real Estate Matters. Gabrielle is a very experienced lawyer and a realtor who is based in Montego Bay.

Dorothy Campbell
Communications Specialist - CAC

Dorothy Campbell, Communication Specialist at the Consumer Affairs Commission, will tell us about how much the Consumer Affairs Commission has recovered for consumers this year, and how the commission was able to do that. She will be my guest during Talk Yu Talk.



  1. Should be good👹

  2. What a shame, to put it mildly. Shoddy work from all angles

  3. This is a dame disgrace! I have watch the video earlier and Honestly this a dame shame. Is this the way these Contractors continue waste taxpayer's money. The government needs to do something about this Sir Vernon.

  4. Do you recall some time ago one one NWA ray ray management said of a plethora of potholes that "potholes saves lives as it reduced speeding on those roads.
    These chatocrats are not experts they are basic school spin doctors not public relations professionals.
    That's not new soh what wi haffi jus wuk wid it till England recolonize Jamaica.Sadly when England was in charge tings used to gwaan like do you recall the LENGTHMAN SYSTEM it worked.
    By the way which "govament" got rid of it.


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