Monday 27 March 2023

What's Happening, March 27, 2023


Transport Authority Press Release

Merdina Callum
Acting Corporate Communication Manager 

The Following is a release from the Transport Authority:

The Transport Authority (the Authority) is reminding all owners/operators of Public Passenger Vehicles (PPV) and Commercial Carriers that the deadline for renewal of ALL ROAD LICENCES is Friday, March 31, 2023.  As such licences not renewed before April 1, 2023, will not be deemed legal.

The Authority is urging licencees who have not yet done so to renew their road licences in the coming days, as come April 1, the late fee will be effective.

Please note that customers whose receipt reflects a date up to March 31, 2023 will not be charged a late fee if that receipt is submitted to the Authority by April 4.  Additionally, licencees are reminded that the regular processing and delivery time for licence is seven (7) to ten (10) business days.  

Persons are being encouraged to utilize the Authority’s Express and Courier Services to ensure timely delivery of their licence.  

The Authority is also reminding its operators that under section 61 (1) of the Road Traffic Act (1938) anyone who uses or causes or permits a motor vehicle to be used on any road as a public passenger vehicle without the requisite road licence is in contravention of the law. Therefore, taxi and bus operators who fail to produce a valid Transport Authority road licence will be prosecuted.

Consumer Prices

SpotOn Increasing Its Reach and Influence

The Power of SpotOn With Vernon Derby in getting action for the people is growing. Thanks to our political representatives, our public sector workers and all those in the private sector for responding. However, I am still concerned about those who are not performing, and they continue to ignore matters which should be addressed. With the support of the people, we will become an even stronger as a force not to be ignored. 

Thanks for the feedback received from a listener who is happy that action was taken to deal with the crater that was at Paddington Terrace in Kingston:

EPOC Report

Jamaica’s economy continues on a growth path as inflation trends downwards

The EPOC met on February 24, 2023 to review the Fiscal and Monetary Quantitative Performance indicators under the Government of Jamaica’s Economic Reform Programme.

The following were key highlights noted by EPOC:

  • Inflation rate continues to trend downwards, ending February 2023 at 7.8% relative to 8.1% at January 2023
  • Tax Revenues outperformed the Third Supplemental budget
  • Wages and Salaries to GDP continue to breach the 9% fiscal rule and  is projected to close the year at 11.4%
  • EPOC recommends a review of the GOJ Wages to GDP 9% fiscal rule as it continues to be breached 
  • Net International Reserves of US$3.9B as at February 2023 remain strong 
  • Real GDP growth of 3.4% was estimated for the October-December 2022 quarter, an indication that Real GDP has returned to pre-COVID levels and projected to close the Fiscal year at 5.1%
  • GOJ projects 1.6% GDP growth rate for 2023/24
  • Debt to GDP is projected to close the fiscal year at below 80% as Primary and Fiscal balances exceed targets
  • Debt to GDP is projected to fall to 74.2% in 2023/24


I understand that Jamaica will be issuing e-passport soon. This is a very interesting development and it seems that is the way that the world will be going.  With the threat of international terrorism, the need to secure border and just to be able to identify persons uniquely it is just a matter of time before this is introduced internationally. If you put one and one together then I have no double that the National Identification System will play an important role in all of this. My understanding is that biometric information will be needed for this e-passport. Will this be another constitutional matter which will be challenged in court? These developments are inevitable and if our constitution is not flexible to allow for certain modern development then we could find ourselves in a time bubble which will talk us no where.

Report From a Listener - Downtown Needs Attention

Mr. Everton G. Hunter
This is Downtown Kingston on Harbour Street, between Orange Street and that Lane before Princess Street . This is very dangerous for pedestrians especially the old and the visually impaired. Mr. Everton G. Hunter. Chief Executive Officer of the NWA,  I would love you to check on this for the people, because we do not want anyone to lose their life nor to suffer any physical damage traversing this area.


  1. Well done u are getting things done congrats . Please continue to keep up the good works

  2. Thanks Mr Derby God bless you we need more people like u to speak up .For I came out and went down town and it was a disgrace to see the amount of garbage. But keep up the work my bro.

  3. Well done mr derby keep up the good work👹


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