Sunday 5 March 2023

What's Happening - March 5, 2023


Donnovan Reid
Banker and Entertainer

Monday, March 6, 2023, will be a day to remember on SpotOn on Riddim FM. SpotOn is aired Monday through to Friday from 1000 to 1300 EST each day. Donnovan Reid will on Be My Guest and he will tell his intriguing, fascinating, and touching story - the story of a man who with sheer determination and a mind of steel, has been able to survive against all odds. He did not know his mother until later on in life, and he tried his best to meet his father, but it was not to be. This is a story which will start a fire in those of us who feel like giving up, when the odds are against us. Don is a banker, and an established entertainer. I must commend all those who have supported him especially the management and staff of NCB. 

Donnovan is also a very creative actor and his online fans have been captivated by the skits which he posts online.

Don Reid's Music:

Dr. Jason McKay

Criminologist, Dr. Jason McKay will be my guest for the Talk Yu Talk segment on SpotOn. It is time that Jamaica starts a focused discussion on the level of crime in the country, and at least come up with some suggestions to deal with this challenge, which can garner broad support from the people. Dr. Jason McKay is in the security business he is also a Jamaica Observer columnist.  He will share his ideas about dealing with crime using technology, training and just plain commonsense.

Nadine Williams
Market Prices Analyst

For Consumer Prices we will have Nadine Williams and Anthony Gayle who will update us on the prices of agricultural produce in the Coronation Market and also in Constant Spring. They will share some of the concerns of the farmers to our listeners.

Blue Lagoon

Blue Lagoon in Portland

Citizens in Portland seem to be unhappy with developments at the Blue Lagoon. I will be trying to get further information on this matter from the authorities. The citizens in the area can WhatsApp me at (876) 816-5261.


Thanks to Ms Marcia Bolt at the Ministry of Labour and Social Security for assisting me in dealing with a matter affecting a pensioner.


Councillor Mark McGann

I am still waiting to hear from Councillor Mark McGann who represents the Somerton Division in St. James.  He will update me about the condition of the playfield at Lottery. Residents have complained that work needs to be done on the playing field, so that the young people can have somewhere to participate in recreational activities.

The councillor could possible organize the young people in the area to assist in maintaining the field. If you are from the area, let me know what you think. Send your voicemails to (876) 816-5261.


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