Monday 6 March 2023

What's Happening - March 6, 2023


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I got this video with this lady reciting this poem. I would like to know who is she, and where is she from? If you have information about her, then send me a WhatsApp message to 876 816-5261.

There is no need to get into a physical confrontation to deal with this situation. The outcome is extremely embarrassing. We need to deal with challenges in a smart and intelligent way. If anyone was doing something wrong, then film what you see and issue tickets to those recognized in the picture. We should do the same thing, when vendors refuse to remove from the streets. It is time for us to do things the smart way rather than use the brute force way. Is it that we are not smart enough to do it the smart way?

What action do you think that the government should take to deal with this incident involving the police and soldiers. I heard the excuse about the police and the soldiers have a good working relationship. That is neither here nor there. Investigate this incident, and take action.


  1. They should be disciplined👹

  2. Omg what is really happening The Lord needs to step up.

  3. It simply shows our great descent into intolerance and indiscipline

  4. Soldiers and police come from the same brutish society as the traditional dutty brutes.It is therefore second nature for brutish ,vulgar low life behavior to come to the fore.
    One has therefore got to be self disciplined and breathe deeply when one is confronted with dutty behaviour stimulators.
    Police and soldiers one would have hoped had enough training where self control has been tested and honed enough to have civilized behaviour as second nature always remembering that the public's eyes are on you.In such situations a publicized punishing reminder sanction is needed to deter those concerned and others in like positions/situations.

  5. I am old enough to remember whenvtheur was a rivelry between the pokice and the military and a few 'scuffles'. The incident should be investigated but hooefully, it is an isolated. Let's not give it a life of it's own unnecessarily!


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