Saturday 8 April 2023

Jamaicans Need To Wake Up!

We have not had parish council elections for a long time and a general election could take place soon. The question people tend to ask is, are the parties ready? The question we should ask ourselves is, are the people ready? In a country where civics is not taught in our schools, the aim of many people is to get a visa to enter the great United States.  Our young minds are more into scamming rather than considering what their path will be for the future.

Yesterday a well-known leader said to me that the country needs to ask the one dozen representatives who have five dozen years or more under their belt to move on. I can tell you confidently that there are some political leaders who no longer have the intellect, analytical ability, and stamina to deal with representational politics. It is my opinion that some are suffering from mental impairment. They are holding on to straws in the raging political waters. It is time for them to be dragged out of the water and taken ashore. 

Jamaica at this time needs strong leadership because while economically we are holding our own, there are many things that are not right. For example, crime, indiscipline, lack of accountability, and the general lack of care and love in society.

The problem I have is not with the political leaders, but with the people who do not seem to have a clue as to where we are going. When will the people rise up and say to our leaders that we have had enough of crime, corruption, violence, and a high level of indiscipline?

First, the Prime Minister needs to stop just coming across as a nice guy and he needs to ensure that there is law and order in the country. Each minister needs to ensure that the departments which fall under their portfolio deliver. We could start with the NWA our schools and our transportation system.

Within the opposition party, although the internal squabbles have subsided they need to speak like a party with a vision. It is not always about oppose, oppose, and oppose. The governing party might seem united but leaders will unite when they are the government in power. Don't be fooled because many Labourites are complaining that the JLP has abandoned the core of its party. 

On the ground, many Labourites have declared to me that they will not be voting next elections and some PNP obviously have not decided to support Mark Golding. Many might say that politics is dutty and they don't care about politics but our political parties have an important role to play in our country and our lives. We have seen what is happening in Haiti where the government is very weak and the gangs have taken over. We are on a trajectory that is not looking good. Emphasis is now being put on constitutional reform but that will not change things significantly unless we have effective leadership.

Have a peaceful Easter. Remember that Jesus was crucified and there is no need for us to be suffering like this as if we are now being crucified.



Government Deal with Indiscipline on our Roads as a Start

Overtaking on a continuous line

What a place to let off a passenger!

What a place to stop.

Is your indicator working?


  1. Real indiscipline for true jamaica gone👹

  2. Good morning Mr Derby everything u say is so true and it really Scary .Hear am I trying to buy a house to come back home and am wondering if I should for when I listen and hear what is happening.Our Government need to it's not about people loving u it's about Doing what is Right.

  3. Most of your points are valid Vernon. We need leaders who will govern in the interest of the people of Jamaica. Term limits in positions are critical. Intregrety is critical not age - we need a mixture of aged & youth. Many young politicians seems more corrupt than the older.

  4. I honestly do not think that you could not have said it any better Sir Vernon. However; let me make it a bit clearer. By asking these questions, that our government is tight lip😑about. Why is NWC. Locking off water in our communities and the paying customers have to begging water and those who do not pay for it,have it waste. They seems to be following JPS very hard😲and Flow is getting from bad to worse. Wake Up Jamaica!

  5. Jamaica is a bad as how bitter the person telling the story is. The most bitter are those with political motive. Let me assure you all. Jamaica is in no way shape or form anywhere close to where the pnp Gov had us financially in the 90's when they didn't have a local election for 8 years.

    Great things are happening for Jamaica too.
    More so for the poor and those who are not willing to try.

    Personally I'm scared of Jamaicans who think that where they are from is the worst place on earth.
    Spread some positives and tell the runaways how they can help. Thanks much

    1. I wonder if you believe that anyone who criticizes the country is against the government? Note that the only time that political motive is wrong is if one is doing something wrong or illegal. If one's criticism is valid, then they are helping the government to succeed.

  6. Most of us agree that Jamaica is a nice place to live, the people, the climate, the activities however, the cost of living is astronomical, the education system, the health system, the transportation system not to mention the political system all need a overhaul, crime is unreal and the list goes on.

    As Mr. Vernon says Civics MUST be taught in schools, this teaches us our responsibility as citizens as well as the roles the politician plays.....are our young politicians even aware of their roles and function?

    Without Vision the People Perish!! What is the Vision for Jamaica? Do I have a role in helping Jamaica achieve this Goal? Does every Jamaican know where we're headed? The answer is a resounding NO!!

    Salaries are not in keeping with the cost of living, citizens are frustrated, most of our young people are rudderless....why are two 13 year olds fighting and why would a knife come into play that one is stabbed and killed?


    God Bless our People and our Land.

  7. Don't let anyone fool you "indiscipline is created by the way you organize an
    environment from the home via the classroom to the streets to the country" .Waking up to draconian expensive new laws will not change the narrative and people's behaviour marginally.
    New gun laws moving to 15 years will create more violent men breeding even more violence murders as the cycle continues.Deepen
    the intelligence networks with the inadequately manned JCF and bring back the community based District Constables they were out eyes and ears on the ground.
    I recall Maas Cunni in my Bethel Town District was even more effective than the regular police.When you hear say the six foot five Maas Cunni a come everyone shape up.Maas Cunni knew everyone and their families in the area and there was perhaps only one teefin family and let me whisper Dem was mi family but we were forbidden association with them.Things have changed these days in that the more "dutty criminal" in your family the more riskily rated you are as people fraud a unnu and luv unnu same time.
    Maas Vernon what a Jumaica how do we get back to the real Jamaica.Your smart readers can tell us here.

  8. Greetings Brother Vernon.. What Jamaica needs is Honest Leadership & Full Disclosure & Transparancy. We need to really address Early Childhood Education, making it compulsory & properly funded. We also need to really deal with Crime. Making the Commissioner independent of political influence like Indicum. Increasing the numbers in the Police, with better training, better equipment, better pay & better living conditions. Then they can go after the 2 main gangs in Jamaica, One Order & Klansman, both affiliates of the JLPNP who are responsible for importing most of the illegal guns into Jamaica. Then we will have a little greater country & rid ourselves of this Alibaba Government System. Blessings for a lovely & safe Easter weekend

  9. "I was drawn into myself, observing all this time. From every angle I can see, my people are meeting hell. Brothers have turned to crime, so they die from time to time. We'll like to ask you leaders, what have you got in mind. I feel the fire burning, it's getting hotter than hot. The haves would want to be in the shoes of the have-nots, if the sign is on your door, then you will be safe for sure. But if you are in pretence, you're on the wrong side of the fence... 🔥 fire burning , burning, burning, feel the fire 🔥 burning...🔥 fire burning , burning burning , feel the fire 🔥 burning"...
    It's all contextualized in song by the late great lyricist - Bob Andy (RIP)!

  10. Good morning Mr Derby thanks for what you have shared today, including the overtaking on a solid line and dropping off the passenger in the wrong location.
    I believe that we the people have to desire changes in many of the things that are literally killing jamaica and the jamaican people.
    We need to look at the person in the mirror 🪞 and ask ourselves,are we prepared to do the right thing?
    All of the pictures that you have shown today.
    There are laws against doing these things.
    So I don't think that a lot of our problems are the result of strong or week government.
    Yes we need strong government, but if the people do not support law and order, we are fighting a very hard battle. I need to take home my garbage from the public beaches ⛱️.
    I need to put the gun away. I need to abide by the rules of the highway 🛣 traffic act.
    I need to stop the steeling of electricity.
    You get my point.


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