Monday 3 April 2023

Local Beaches, Locals Not Allowed!!!

The following is a letter sent to me by Michael Spence:

Mr Derby,

Jamaicans only have access to about 3 miles of JAMAICA'S 490 + miles of beach access. This is not only embedded racism, it is socioeconomic and environmental idiocy.

In Barbados for example no building on the beach side so all beaches are open to residents. Can you imagine under colonialism blacks had more access to beaches.

Dem can't tell me about Republicanism for Jamaica that is giving more power to those who already have a record of being the worst judge, jury and executioners of power by the economically powerful.

Remember he who has economic power has real political power, so the government is really a puppet, worse than the colonialists.

When people wake up don't be surprised, they say "no to republicanism God Save the King". Republicanism sounds good on paper for Jamaica it's a SCAM just look at the group selected to deal with it - so soh lawyers trained in the colonialists' legal interpretations.

Jamaican slave ancestry 98% of the population owning only 5% of the Jamaican economy under puppet Kingston quasi colonial Jamaican "govament".

"Fool the people sometimes you can't fool all the people all the time" sings Bob Marley, Dem can't fool me or you Maas Vernon.

mics 🖊️pen


Editor's Note:

This is a matter that the government must address now! Our beaches should be treated in the same way that we have common areas in a strata complex. Our government cannot continue to allow our people not to have access to our beaches which should be a common area belonging to all citizens. Send your voicemails to 876 816-5261 and let me know what you think. These voicemails will be played on air.

Join the protest for Jamaicans to have access to all our beaches. Add your comments to this blog and forward this blog to at least ten persons.




Anonymous said...

I agree. It pains my heart each time I have to pay for my kids to enjoy Puerto Seco Beach knowing I used to ride my bicycle down the hill and throw myself into the water with sheer abandon.

Anonymous said...

Omg we should all be able to access a beach some where👹

Anonymous said...

I agreed that all beach spaces cant be free, however , for a long time Jamaicans have been enjoying beaches that we all can go in and be safe especially parking wie need security protection with our family. Because we all must remember the hoodlums that prevails on unsafe beaches; also, not to mentioned the environment when there is no toilet facilities on a free beach or proper garbage disposal etc. etc..everything can't be free sir.

Anonymous said...

People must have free access to all beaches

Anonymous said...

Right now UDC put a chain on the entrance to the beach park in Negril Negril preventing people from driving onto the beach area. Beach park has been closed for over 15years now. Shame and disgrace on both administrations. On the other hand if we (and I say this sadly) are allowed on all the beaches before there is a change in our behaviour, tourism mash up. I speak from observation, having lived in Negril for many years. You will need soldiers on the beach, trust mi. Let us balance the thing

Anonymous said...

Bear in mind that nobody can stop us from swimming in the sea anywhere . Problem is gaining access

Anonymous said...

Long time they treating us bad in our own space, it's just now being made public.

Anonymous said...

The Prime Minister needs to move with alacrity on this situation. Our citizen's have been marginalized because of the overwhelming Hotel Industry. They have been silent for far too long
Wake up Minister of Tourism.

Anonymous said...

Mr Prime Minister, As a bright person I expect you to act upon this immediately. Delay is danger.

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