Friday 19 May 2023

What's Happening in Pictures

A thief caught at York Pharmacy?

A gaping hole on the sidewalk waiting on a blind person to fall in.

Message from a listener in the US:
Hello Mr Derby a bright and pleasant morning to you, I am just highlighting these two drains on great George Street Savannalamar, right before L& G supermarket adjoining to NCB bank the drains are filled with plastic bottles which in turn prevents the water from flowing, so the water over flows on the street


  1. Love this keep the reports coming out the politicians under pressure to do their jobs properly because it can be done comparing to other countries.. I'm glad they catch that their and no one got hurt.a lot of our sidewalks are like that no cares for the able much less the dis able.

  2. K.P.H seems to be running better that U.W.I now a days and you have to pay for down to the cotton bud.

  3. Omg that thief should be licked up👹

  4. I think the Government has now qualified who will share in the PROSPERITY of Jamaica. I sympathasize with the non political public workers. LORD help wi.


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