Thursday 15 June 2023

Answer This Questionnaire - State Your Position on Murder and Capital Punishment.

Vernon Derby - Host of SpotOn on Riddim FM

I have started an initiative to see how strongly Jamaicans feel about crime and especially the high number of murders in our country. With the killing of 8-year-old Danielle Rowe recently, I felt that enough is enough and it is now time for Jamaicans to take a stand. I must admit that I am shocked that there has been no national action taken to show our disgust at this heinous crime.

Join this effort to demand that government takes a comprehensive approach to deal with the cancer of crime. Share this blog with as many persons as possible. We plan to have a meeting in Kingston to outline a plan of action as soon as I get sufficient numbers.

Please click HERE and complete this questionnaire which will indicate your position on the high level of crimes and specifically murders in Jamaica.


1 comment:

  1. *Mastermind Commissions?*

    For Jamaica to grow and develop orderly and productively at a good pace.It needs Mastermind Commissions to guide the processes transcending political
    partisanship or personal interests.A model like the world class Electoral Commission.
    Education and Family,Trade and Industry,National Security,
    Agriculture and food Security are my immediate selections.No Kingston or other town based quasi colonial interests having national all inclusive aims and objectives with a global reach.
    Mics 🖊️pen


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