Saturday 3 June 2023

Breaking News!!!

BREAKING NEWS - Three Killed in Frankfield, Clarendon!

I have been advised by my On The Ground Reporters that three persons were killed in Frankfield, Clarendon last night. It is now clear that the killings in the country will continue until the people rise up and say enough is enough

Jamaica has become a crime-producing factory and we must close this factory now. Those criminals who are now wreaking havoc on society must be removed from society permanently.

Over to you Mr. Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition, and all members of parliament. If this crisis is not dealt with, in a decisive way within the next twelve months, then you all should consider finding another job!

I will give you more information as soon as it comes in. Remember to add your comments to the blog. Send your Whatsapp messages to 876 816-5261.



Anonymous said...

Wow criminals r taking over๐Ÿ˜

CHAYIL said...

I know crime is not an easy thing to handle. But you mean with all the technological advances, added vehicles, modernisation of the JCF, changed and changing recruiting strategies, ZOZOs etc we are still at this stage???
Makes me wonder, for the tumour of crime to be allowed ( almost nurtured) to eat it's way deeper into our lives who is benefitting from this? It can't be just the man who pulls the trigger. Crime is clear bigger than them. How far does the JCF "follow the crumbs" when investigating? The trail can't just stop at the hand who pulls the trigger.
Look at the cost of a gun, a round of ammunition. Where is the money coming from? Seriously, WHO IS FUNDING CRIME IN JAMAICA,????

Micspen said...

Government and People to make Jamaica Crime Free?

I have long concluded that Crime has morphed into a multimillion dollar industry. One of the fastest growing in the country.There is the legitimate side of the industry (LCI) and the illigitimate sector (ICI).
Together both allegedly accounts for at least 10% of our gross domestic product (GDP) with many backward and forward linkages.
To reduce the impact on the economy and curtail the growth of this industry it has to begin with a mass conscious movement similar to that effective anti COVID-19 pandemic.As the formal economy stalls creative economic individualism kicks in and unfortunately many of the activities are criminal.I mean a crime is any behaviour that attracts fines or imprisonment.This crime consciousness movement will make people who are unknowingly acting criminally adjust their behaviour and also police friends family and nieghbours.
This cannot be done alone by laws,court houses and the 12,000 JCF members or 6000 JDF or even if you add 30,000 Security Guards.Now let's define crime and give theordinary Jamaican an incentive to become crime free.We have tried tougher laws,SOEs,
ZOSOs and crime increases.
If not are we prepared to like I hear recently in Mexico the President is considering negotiations with leaders of Criminal Organizations to find a solution.
Will our "Dons" or let's call it the
Gang Association of Jamaica (GAOJ) be willing to join arms with the government to arrive at a crime free solution.The Commissioner of police and Ministers of National Security and Justice be willing to take a pragmatic approach .Are we willing to continue to bury our heads in the sand ,continue to d the same things that has made Jamaica into a Criminal's Paradise and one of the top 5 murder capitals of the world.Does Jamaica still intellectuals or just talking heads.Come on Jamaica Government the people and the GAOJ let's do it to save people's lives and Jamaica.

Mics ๐Ÿ–‹️ pen

Anonymous said...

Mr Derby, good day. Do you know if the government has acquired the black hawk helicopters I have been asking for years. They are quick so we need them flying around the country to apprehend getaways
when needed

Anonymous said...

No they have not. Drones would be more economical to use.

Anonymous said...

Be reminded that it costs the taxpayer at least $Ja $5000 per day to keep a prisoner that is appr $1.8million dollars taking inflation into consideration.Be reminded that it is not cost effective to keep murderers many of whome use prison as their HQ to order other murders.By the way is the death of Rev Moore the Correctional Services official a murder or a motorized accidental Spur Tree death???.Walk good.

Anonymous said...

Crime is a fast growing multibillion dollar industry that Jamaica cannot do without.As we speak crime is good for Jamaica.Ask the 6000 lawyers,police 12000 of them,
correctional services officers 2000 of them,30,000 security guards,the maintainance crews for the 11 prisons,the hundreds of public servants and their ministers in the relevant ministries.Thats
it for the ligitimate sector.
Now look at the illigitimate sector of scammers,drug and human traffickers,child abusers,
copyright and patent infringers,illegal/uncustomed goods importers,
fraudsters,illegal transport operators etc.As the writer noted Crime is big business fast growing,attractive and lucrative accounts for at least 10% of GDP.
What is Jamaica willing to do about it to at least save lives ald livelihoods.

Anonymous said...

Your site Mr D is a powerhouse I learn so much not taught even at the Universities.

Anonymous said...

Good job sir lots of knowlege from your contributors.

Anonymous said...

Mi Neva think bout it crime big,mi haffi check if mi a criminal to.

Micspen said...

Gwaan baalk di trute people.

Micspen said...

Each Police division needs one or two helicopters.
Drones for each station to aid rapid response and criminal's capture.

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