Monday 26 June 2023

SpotOn For Another Monday Morning On Riddim FM - June 26, 2023


Commissioner Stewart Beckford
Head of the Fire Brigade Service

My special guest on Monday, June 26, 2023, on Riddim FM during SpotOn, will be the head of the Fire Brigade Service, Commissioner Stewart Beckford. We will learn about him and the work of his department. Commissioner Beckford will tell us about some of the challenges facing the department. He will also advise us how the public can assist his department.

Radcliff Lewis

Former member of the Jamaica Constabulary Force, known then as SSP Radcliff Lewis has many years experience dealing with citizens especially those who break the law. How is he using the knowledge gained in the Jamaica Constabulary force to deal with the challenges in his current job with the JUTC. It will be interesting to hear from him about dealing with the indiscipline drivers we now have on our roads. He will be my guest during Talk Yu Talk.

More about Radcliff Lewis:

Nadine Williams

Nadine Williams and Anthony Gayle will join us for Consumer Prices. It's a feature that famers and consumers cannot afford to miss.


Click to listen to SpotOn on Riddim FM Monday to Friday, from 1000 to 1300 hours EST.

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