Sunday 11 June 2023

The Code of Conduct Without Serious Sanctions - A Waste of Time.

Jamaica is beset with several problems, the main ones being the high level of crime, indiscipline, corruption, and also the lack of accountability. It is interesting to note that we have a way of coming up with some lovely ideas to deal with these challenges which are lovely on paper. The practical solutions continue to elude us. 

The question I ask is. why do we have to create a special body to deal with corruption with these high-profile commissioners? I ask because I do not have the answer. If a politician is corrupt then why not treat that politician the same way in which we treat others who commit other crimes.

Greg Christie
Executive Director
I have had to deal with the Integrity Commission and I must say that I am not impressed with how it operates. Having these high-profile persons as Commissioners, some of who are retired, might be a good public relations strategy but someone has to show me where there is the return for the investment made.

I was asked to submit a statement about a matter and an officer of the Integrity Commission contacted me and asked me where they should send the documents to. I told the person to send it to my home address. It was sent to my office instead. This was during that deadly Covid-19 period. When I went back to the office after the serious threat of Covid-19 was passed, I saw that the documents were at the office which is contrary to the instructions given to the person who called from the Integrity Commission. I said to myself that these jokers could have sent an investigative officer to me to get the information, rather than sending documents to me which had to be signed by a JP. By the time I got those documents, it was late and the next thing I heard on the news was that the matter was investigated and no one was found to be in any breach. I laughed my head off because as far as I know, I was the only person who had taken a particular stand on the issue and my view was important to the Commission.

The Integrity Commission has become very contentious and this has been due to how the organization carries out its work.

Let's take a look at this brouhaha over the signing of this Code of Ethics by the Prime Minister and his cabinet and the Leader of the Opposition and his shadow cabinet.

  • First, I would like to know what section of the Integrity Act this signing of the code comes under. 
  • Why the signing of this document has become the responsibility of the Integrity Commission?
  • If state officials do not sign this Code what action can be taken against them?

I noticed the letter with the code attached, was addressed to the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition. I believe that the appropriate way to do it would be to address the letters separately to the Leader of The Opposition and another letter to the Prime Minister.

Since the Integrity Commission decided to initiate this code of conduct document, why the Chairman of the Commission did not send this letter to the Prime Minister and to the Leader of the Opposition rather than the letter sent by the Executive Director of the Integrity Commission? There must be a better way to deal with the head of government in a country.

It would be more appropriate if when persons are being sworn in as members of the lower and upper house and also as Ministers, they are required to sign this code of conduct before taking the oath of office. If you don't sign, then you cannot take up the office.

I find the press releases and the social media posts coming from the Integrity Commission have ended up creating far more hot air than helping to calm tempers and encourage a greater level of integrity. Why would one state that opposition members had signed and government members had not signed? That is pitting one party against the other which only generates hot air for the political climate. If this is picked up by the people then this could be the start of a political war of words leading into a general election. The war of words could escalate into physical confrontations.

The Integrity Commission I believe has now lost credibility in the eyes of the Jamaican people and this cannot be redeemed. Let's empower those with the prosecutorial powers to deal with corruption at all levels assisted by the office of the DPP. We really don't need another layer of public officials earning fat salaries to deal with corruption. They could be seen eventually as part of the fat group, gobbling up the country's gross domestic product while the rest of us are starving.

Before the Integrity Commission starts to draft codes for others, it should consider drafting one for itself. For example, the commission should not be retweeting information from other sources which can give the impression that it is endorsing other entities.

The commission should ensure that its communications to the public and to public officials are devoid of any innuendos that can undermine anyone holding a public office.

If we do the right things the wrong way, we will end up being wrong.


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Do you remember the June 12 flood rains of 1979? WhatsApp me at 876 816-5261 and tell me about it.

I understand that a few weeks later you had major floodings in areas like New Market which was under water for some time.

My understanding is that those who were in charge were not aware of the protocols to follow to alert the nation of the pending disaster.  

An earthquake can strike at any time, and many areas are flood-prone areas. Are we ready to deal with these? Do we have the systems in place to advise citizens promptly when those disasters are at their doorsteps or when they are pending?


  1. Greetings Mr. Derby.. The issue with the IC is not about the sighing of the CoC. 1. It's because of how the Investigation of Andrew Holness as Minister of Education 2. The fact that fir 3 years the Submissions made by PM Andrew cannot be Certified. Those are the issues & the Public needs to know what is in the Report during the time he was Minister of Education & why the PM Submissions cannot be Certified. Does it have anything do do with the fact the the PM Company is Regestered in St. Lucia. Blessings 🙌

  2. Well said the public needs to know👹

  3. The integrity Commission (IC) is not perfect but that ought not be the focus now - it must be strengthened to protect the I C and Jamaica from corrupt politicians. Be real! - Jamaica's police force cannot investigate the politicians.

  4. "Operators of hen houses should be wary when they find themselves in agreement with mongooses over the management of the fowl coops. They should assume that something is wrong"
    The quote was taken from a Gleaner Editorial
    "Trying to kill the Integrity Commission" says it all as many politicians want Parliament to literally control and direct the activities of the Integrity Commission.
    No Way it must be independent to do it's job.
    No way can you get mongoose to organize security fi you fowl coop.
    Tek people Fi fool?


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