Friday 30 June 2023

Vincent Morrison Urges Parliament to Deal With Issues of Security Guards

Although the courts have ruled in a case that security guards are to be treated as permanent workers, some employers are trying to get around this requirement. Listen to Vincent Morrison as he calls on the government to step in and deal with this matter.

Click to listen to the conversation between Vernon and Vincent Morrison.


Click to listen to SpotOn on Riddim FM Monday to Friday, from 1000 to 1300 hours EST.


  1. Why can't our government stand up for the Rights of their people's, without any favor. The security guards are our country third source of protection. Am very sure that they have their private security. So why is it so hard to figure out 🤔 how to take care of our security guards without these Red tapes. Can we have this issues settled once and for all? Anytime something must be done right,it is a problem,but as long as everyone can get some thing out of the barrel, no prob... What a damn disgrace.


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